Lunch-But No Bible Study

Psalms 34:18 “The LORD is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

”Broken-hearted” and “crushed in spirit” describe many people experiencing our current quarantine regulations. For many years I have loved this verse as it has become so real to me while going through difficult times. It will be worth your while to work through the antiquated English of the following commentary by John Gill to gain some beautiful insight concerning heart aching times not only for now, but also for eternity.

“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart,.... Who are pressed and bore down with afflictions, by the sorrow of heart under which their spirits are broken, Pro 15:13; or with a sense of sin, and sorrow for it, for which their hearts smite them, and they are wounded by it, and broken with it: to these the Lord is "nigh"; not in a general way only, as he is to all men, being God omnipresent, but in a special manner; he comes and manifests himself to them in a gracious way, pours in the oil and wine of his love, and binds up their broken hearts; yea, comes and dwells with them: he does not pass by them and neglect them, much less make the breach worse; he does not break the bruised reeds, but he heals their breaches; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit; not in a legal, but in an evangelical way; who are humbled under a sense of sin, and melted down in true repentance, under a view of the love and grace of God; and are poor and mean in their own eyes: to these the Lord has respect; the sacrifices of a broken and contrite spirit are not despised by him, but accepted through faith in Christ; and such he saves with an everlasting salvation in him.” John Gill
May God be the one we rely on for today… and eternity.

All ladies and children are invited to my house Thursday, May 25th (there is no Bible study) at 12 noon for lunch. I will provide lunch for you— however if you prefer to bring your own lunch, that is fine. I’m looking forward to seeing you!

Worry vs. Concern.jpg

Wednesday evening June 24th, Caleb Suko will be doing a webinar on “Unhealthy Worry vs. Healthy Concern.” In order to be part of that event you need to register before it begins. If you tried to register last week but you weren’t sure if it went through, you can try again. I know mine didn’t actually work last week.

Here's a link to the page for registration for the webinar on Wed night

Worry and Disappointment

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

The proper cure for worry that leads to disappointment never settles into apathy. People use many means to numb themselves to situations that they cannot control. During our current days of uncertainty, entertainment, food, alcohol, and drugs have been used by many folks to help them not think about what is happening and basically form a little safe domain. This safe haven easily shatters when a bit of reality appears. Although the difference between apathy and confidence in God may appear as a fine line, actually a great chasm more truthfully describes it. Worry focuses on my abilities, or those around me; trust in God focuses on His awesome character and abilities. Is He in charge of everything? Is He working everything out for His glory and my good? Is His timing always perfect?

This Thursday morning we will be Zooming at 9:30 to discuss the amazing situation when Lazarus died and all that followed his short death. This will be our final meeting until fall. However, I would love for you to join me for a casual lunch next Thursday at noon at my house. I’ll provide food, but, if you prefer to bring your own, that is fine. Children are especially welcome. My daughter Rachel and her family will be here for one last time to visit with them before they return to Ukraine.

Don’t forget Caleb’s webinar this evening at 8 when he will be discussing “Unhealthy Worry vs. Healthy Concern.” You need to register sometime today if you plan to attend at

Fear or Peace?

Photo by Donovan Valdivia

Photo by Donovan Valdivia

No one can deny that troubling situations surround us. Not only the normal concerns of our lives, but now the Coronavirus, economic upheaval, riots, looting, and a shake up of our police departments give use many opportunities to worry and entertain fearful thoughts. Even “safe and quiet” little Gig Harbor cannot escape this national upset. However, individually those who belong to God through the forgiveness of sins can experience peace and calm. What an amazing and blessed concept! Think about what Jesus said. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Connect this verse with Isaiah 26:3-4. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.”

The Bible is not talking about having faith in faith or hope in hope, but rather trusting the all knowing, all powerful, all loving, all holy, all wise, all faithful, all sovereign, everywhere present and personally concerned for each of us God of the Universe. Do you know Him?

Thursday morning at 9:30 on Zoom I’m looking forward to encouraging you to trust God more and enjoy His perfect peace.