Worry and Disappointment

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

The proper cure for worry that leads to disappointment never settles into apathy. People use many means to numb themselves to situations that they cannot control. During our current days of uncertainty, entertainment, food, alcohol, and drugs have been used by many folks to help them not think about what is happening and basically form a little safe domain. This safe haven easily shatters when a bit of reality appears. Although the difference between apathy and confidence in God may appear as a fine line, actually a great chasm more truthfully describes it. Worry focuses on my abilities, or those around me; trust in God focuses on His awesome character and abilities. Is He in charge of everything? Is He working everything out for His glory and my good? Is His timing always perfect?

This Thursday morning we will be Zooming at 9:30 to discuss the amazing situation when Lazarus died and all that followed his short death. This will be our final meeting until fall. However, I would love for you to join me for a casual lunch next Thursday at noon at my house. I’ll provide food, but, if you prefer to bring your own, that is fine. Children are especially welcome. My daughter Rachel and her family will be here for one last time to visit with them before they return to Ukraine.

Don’t forget Caleb’s webinar this evening at 8 when he will be discussing “Unhealthy Worry vs. Healthy Concern.” You need to register sometime today if you plan to attend at sukofamily.org.