Fall Thursday Morning Bible Study

Ladies, I am writing to you from Kiev, Ukraine to let you know our fall Bible study will begin on Thursday morning September 21 at 9:30. I know you will be blessed as we study together Elyse Fitzpatrick’s book “Idols of the Heart.” Although this study does not go directly through a book of the Bible as we normally do, it is heavily laden with Scripture. I will also have fairly extensive study sheets for you to work on in preparation for each week’s lesson.

A couple of questions printed on the back of this book might give you a bit of a taste for what is addressed in this study. “Do you feel discouraged—even defeated—in your battle against sin? Are you dismayed or surprised by the situations that bring out your fear, anger, or distress?”

You can purchase this book online. Be sure you get the revised and updated edition. Let me know if you need me to get it for you.

Please pray for me as I encourage women here in Kiev.

“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” Psalm. 103:8