The Flourishing Life--Listening and Obeying

“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks.” Hebrews 12:25

“…this warning brings to us Christians the reminder that it is possible for us so to tamper with what we know to be the uttered will and expressed commandment of God, as that our conduct is tantamount to saying, ‘Be silent, O Lord! and let me not hear Thee speak any more to me.’ The reason for that refusal, which thus, in its deepest criminality and darkest sin, can only be made by men that recognise the voice to be God’s, lies just here, ‘they could not endure that which was commanded.’ So, then, the sum of the whole thing is this, that it is possible for Christian people so to cherish wills and purposes which they know to be in diametrical and flagrant contradiction to the will and purpose of God, that obstinately they prefer to stick by their own desires, and, if it may be, to stifle the voice of God.” Alexander MacLaren

God never instructs us in ways that would lessen the fullness of our lives, but rather, the opposite. Yet, too often we choose to listen to our own will and as a result find ourselves in deeper misery than we had imagined. We can never improve on the simple words of trusting and obeying God; no life can be more flourishing than that.

We have a change of venue this Thursday morning as we gather for our final study of the spring. We will meet at my house (6120 51st Ave. NW, Gig Harbor)—just 2 blocks from the church. Following our time of study we will have lunch together. So bring your favorite lunch food to share with the other ladies. Summer is planning to be here also to help with the children.