Living By Faith; the Only Way to Live

“The just shall live by faith.” Habakkuk 2:4

As Martin Luther struggled with understanding how he could relate with God, he read this Old Testament verse which Paul quoted in Romans 1:17. Suddenly the answer to Luther’s long questioning became apparent—the just shall live by faith. Three times in the the New Testament we find this short verse repeated and I came across something very fascinating concerning the emphasis in each one. In Romans 1:17 the word “faith” is the focus. In Galatians 3:11 “just” gets the attention. Then in Hebrews 10:38 we find “live” as the word to note. A pretty big discussion could come out of looking at all three of these verses in the New Testament, but as we are now studying Hebrews 10:19-39, I am looking forward to investigating further just what living by faith looks like in our everyday lives. Do we really trust God concerning everything in our lives? Do we obey all that we understand in what He has told us to do? Are our lives full of His abundant life?

I’ll see you in Thursday morning to talk all about living by faith. Please join us for this great time of encouragement.

Now the just shall live by faith: We need to follow in the footsteps of the just who will live by faith, and endure to see the promise fulfilled.

i. Every word in Hab 2:4 is important, and the Lord quotes it three times in the New Testament just to bring out the fullness of the meaning!

ii. In Rom 1:17, when Paul quotes this same passage from Hab 2:4, the emphasis is on faith: “The just shall live by faith.”

iii. In Gal 3:11, when Paul quotes this passage from Hab 2:4, the emphasis is on just: “The just shall live by faith.”

iv. Here in Heb 10:38, when the writer to the Hebrews quotes this same passage from Hab 2:4, the emphasis is on live: “The just shall live by faith.”