Rest for Today and Forever--Part 1

“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” Hebrews 3:15

Currently we see the reality of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in abundance, and lawlessness permeating society everywhere; our world presents many opportunities for us to worry and despair. Centuries ago when the Israelites left Egypt they faced daunting obstacles that threatened their very lives, but God delivered them from each difficulty. Despite God’s extreme intervention for their good, they still didn’t trust Him. The result of their unbelief was that they didn’t get to enter the promised land and enjoy the “rest” God wanted for them. What about our lives today? Do we face all that is happening with confidence in God, or unbelief like the Israelites? I am fascinated by the “rest” God offers to us—rest of the soul irregardless of what happens around us. A major “rest” settles into our hearts when we turn from ourselves and trust Jesus’ death on the cross to be the payment for all the wrong we have done. But, a further “rest” comes as we moment by moment trust Him by obeying His Word and living confidently in His sovereignty.

Please join our study this Thursday morning as we encourage one another in these Biblical truths that apply to every moment of our lives. Livestream is available at 9:30 Thursday morning, or in the archives later.