Singing His Praises

“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.” Psalm 59:16

What a blessed time we have just come through as we focused on the miraculous birth of Immanuel (God with us!). Now on the wave of that beautiful time I want to encourage you to add something to the daily time you spend with the Lord. Let’s make good use of Youtube by finding good playlists for Scripturally accurate music like Sovereign Grace and the Gettys to listen to and sing with as a deeping part of your personal worship. Let the words of these songs sink deep into your soul and set the tone for your heart during the remainder of the day. May 2024 be our closest walk yet with the Lord.

Also, when we begin our Thursday morning Bible study January 11th we will be digging into the book of Job for a good look at dealing with difficulty in our lives in a Godly way. You can order your book on Amazon–”Job-the Question of Pain and Suffering” by John MacArthur. If you do not have access to Amazon, I have a couple of extra books that you can get from me. Plan to have the first lesson done for our class that begins on the 11th.

May God be our focus and our source of joy in 2024.