Endurance Part 2

During the past week all of our eyes have been focused on the tragedy unjustly imposed on the Ukrainian people in their own country. Despite the statistical insignificance of Ukraine in comparison to Russia, the Ukrainian people have shown amazing endurance and courage. Don’t these admirable character qualities come from a great love and intense loyalty to their country? What parallels can we see here to the Christian life?

“Endurance was one of Paul’s strong suits and something he always encouraged in other believers. In his book Holiness, J.C. Ryle observes: ‘Let us settle it in our minds that the Christian fight is a good fight—really good, truly good, emphatically good. We see only part of it yet. We see the struggle, but not the end; we see the campaign, but not the reward; we see the cross, but not the crown. We see a few humble, broken-spirited, penitent, praying people, enduring hardships and despised by the world; but we see not the hand of God over them, the face of God smiling on them, the kingdom of glory prepared for them. These things are yet to be revealed. Let us not judge by appearances. There are more good things about the Christian warfare than we see.’” Quoted from 1 & 2 Thessalonians & Titus by John MacArthur.

I’m looking forward to a great time of discussion this Thursday morning as we gather at 9:30 to encourage one another from 1 Thessalonians 3.