Our Conduct in the World-- Part 2

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.” Titus 3:8

The next couple of weeks surrounding Christmas frequently find women buried in the plans, preparations and presents of the season–the pressure is on. Generally intensity in our lives causes our true soul to be evident to everyone around us. What a practical opportunity we have to set ourselves aside and give full rein to the Holy Spirit in our lives so that the genuine beauty of God’s goodness would flow from our hearts no matter how pressured we become. Won’t you join me in this challenge to reflect the beauty of God consistently throughout the next couple of weeks. It will require that we spend quality time with Him every day–we can’t be too busy for this very important foundation of our lives.

This Thursday morning let’s encourage one another in a close walk with the One whose birthday we are celebrating in order that He would be glorified in our lives. I want to see you as we gather at 9:30 for our final lesson on Titus 3. Plan to bring a special Christmas treat to share, if you would like. Also, I have something for you–don’t leave without it.