Living for the Glory of God

“The older women…that they admonish the young women to love their husband, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”Titus 2:3a, 4-5

 Second to God’s Word I love finding quotes worth spending some time thinking about. This week in my reading and study of Titus 2 I found a couple of quotable comments I would like to share with you. 

My friend and fellow pastor’s wife recently published a book all women should be wanting to read; Choose Now to Grow Grand, Not Old.  Consider a challenge she gave her children as they were growing up. “Smart people learn from their mistakes. Smarter people learn from the mistakes of others.” Teri Gasser. This sentiment has been mine as well from the time I was a young lady and my life has been blessed many times over because of it.

In Titus 2 I see the role of older women to be those who teach the younger women this very concept of learning from the lives of those who have experience with life and God. This instruction results in way more than an ordered life; ultimately such living brings glory to God which should be our main point in life as Christians. My second great quote for this week comes from G. Campbell Morgan as he addresses the point of God’s glory in reference to Titus 2:10. “Thus we see how ‘the doctrine of God our Savior’ may ‘be adorned.’ It is adorned when its effects on life and character are expressed in conduct. . . . While it is still only a theory, doctrine lacks the manifestation of beauty. When, however, it is realized and manifested in human life its beauty at once appears. The value of a theory is always supremely apparent in the results it produces.” 

I’m excited for us to be together Thursday morning to encourage one another in the truths of Titus 2. We will have Summer back to care for the little ones this week. Thank you, Summer.