Know Your Adversaries

False teachers concerning God have existed for centuries and often have even flourished. As Peter wrote, “…there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.” 2 Peter 2:1b-2 Peter continued on to describe the character of these teachers in enough detail that we should easily be able to identify such deceivers.

I particularly like the word pictures Peter wrote concerning false teachers of the Bible from 2 Peter 2:17. Clarke gives great comments on those pictures.

“These are wells without water—Persons who, by their profession, should furnish the water of life to souls athirst for salvation; but they have not this water; they are teachers without ability to instruct; they are sowers, and have no seed in their basket. Nothing is more cheering in the deserts of the east than to meet with a well of water; and nothing more distressing, when parched with thirst, than to meet with a well that contains no water.”

“Clouds that are carried with a tempest—In a time of great drought, to see clouds beginning to cover the face of the heavens raises the expectation of rain; but to see these carried off by a sudden tempest is a dreary disappointment. These false teachers were equally as unprofitable as the empty well, or the light dissipated cloud.”

Do you “Know Your Adversaries?” Take some time to dig into 2 Peter 2 and come ready for a good discussion this Thursday morning at 9:30.

Also please note this message from Melissa Coots. There is a baby shower for Eunhye Edwards this weekend at Melissa’s house, Dec. 4, at 5 pm. She is new to our American tradition of having baby showers. Let’s shower her with love. Click here for the evite and to RSVP.