Know Your Salvation

“…as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,…”

2 Peter 1:3a

When Peter wrote the above words he addressed them to Gentiles who had already come to believe with that souls that Jesus died and rose to life again for them. 2 Peter 1 encourages everyone who embraces this truth to go on to know God better because He has told us everything we need that pertains “to life and godliness.” Real richness of life and vigor of soul comes out of knowing and obeying God more every day; and this can only happen as we spend focused time in His precious Word.

“ …the greatest need God’s people have is to understand God’s Word and to apply it to their lives.” Dr. Sean Lucas

Please plan to join us this Thursday morning in person at DBC or by Livestream at 9:30 as we begin studying 2 Peter. We are meeting in the foyer of the church where there is plenty of space for anyone concerned about Covid crowding :).