Is Your Soul Thriving, or Neglected?

Our great granddaughter Pippa with her father Jorge watching over her soul as he reads the Bible to her.

Our great granddaughter Pippa with her father Jorge watching over her soul as he reads the Bible to her.

Years ago when one of our kids studied about a poor and primitive tribe of people living in South America, the article concluded with a great question—”What is the greatest need of these people?” What would you say? What would the average American say? Clean water? Good food sources? Better housing? Indoor toilets? Internet? Education? Better transportation? Cell phones? All of those answers fall far short of the truly greatest need. The rescue of the soul from its own selfish focus and disregard for the Creator God soars above every other need anyone in the whole world can possibly know.

Perhaps this sounds out of bounds to you. However, our Creator has given us everything we need for “life and godliness” 2 Peter 1:3; in other words He has given us everything we need to flourish to the max in our daily lives. If we ignore Him and what He says for something we consider more important, then we personally choose to diminish the beauty of our lives. This is true for every single person in the world, whether living in the jungle of South America, or the opulent life of wealthy America.

My heart aches when I see anyone making choices that ignore God and His beautiful instructions for life and eternity. To neglect the soul is to bring an element of death into your life while you are still living. To thrive in your soul is to live life with an exuberance that God settles in your soul.

Read God’s Word and embrace it. “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16