New Lights for a Dark World

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Two sweet babies joined our thankful and delighted family during the past 3 weeks. Freya Evenstar Suko arrived June 16th and Cosette Ivanna Whitaker Suko joined her family in Chile on July 4th.

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What a world these little girls have entered where quarantines and face masks abound, along with protests and frequent lawlessness. Should we be worried for this fresh little generation? Absolutely not. What amazing opportunities lie in the future for these little ones to become bright lights for God in our dark world. Ever since Adam and Eve chose to do as they pleased and disobey God, our world has been a dangerous place. And nothing has ever lessened that peril except the presence of God in the souls of people.

Our daily prayer for our children, their spouses, their children, and their grandchildren should be concerning the condition of their souls. We were made to have a beautiful relationship with God that results in a flourishing of the inner person. Too often the emphasis has been misplaced to physical safety, happiness, and a successful life; what a twisting and cheating of the amazing life God calls us to.

When I was a teenager in the early 1960’s I heard a conversation with a young Christian couple who were just about to be married. They hesitated to make plans to have any children after their marriage because they just didn’t want “to bring children into such a terrible world.” For Christian people such thinking is wrong. The world needs more light, not less. No worries, just trusting God and everything He has to say about life.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Do not forget that Discovery Baptist Church will be meeting at Harborview Fellowship at 4819 Hunt St., Gig Harbor starting this coming Sunday at 2:30 in the afternoon. Please bring a chair along in case we are meeting outside. No children’s programs this week, but, starting on the 19th we should having everything rolling again.

If you missed the exciting Groundbreaking last Sunday morning, here is a link for you to watch.