Living in the Presence of God

Gabriel at Gabe's grave.jpg

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6

Do you believe, or have you seen, that only what is beneficial and lovingly kind will follow you all the days of your life? All the days of your life? What about in times of sickness, death, quarantine, financial loss, or broken relationships? This perspective on life can only be realized by the very few people who know and live in the presence of God. Oh wow, just how does that happen?

Adam Clarke challenges us with some good choices toward living in the presence of God as he commented over 200 years ago on Psalm 84:10. “Who now prefers the worship of God to genteel, gay, honorable, and noble company, to mirthful feasts, public entertainments, the stage, the oratorio, or the ball! Reader, wouldst thou rather be in thy closet, wrestling in prayer, or reading the Scriptures on thy knees, than be at any of the above places? How often hast thou sacrificed thy amusement, and carnal delight, and pleasures, for the benefit of a pious heart-searching sermon? Let conscience speak, and it will tell thee.”

The deep and eternal joys of life come not from superficial delights, but, from meaningful connection with God through every event and moment of life. This Thursday morning we will be privileged to hear from some ladies who have experienced this beauty in the darkest times of their lives. Plan to be with us as we complete our wonderful study of Psalm 23 at 9:30 on Zoom.