A Pleasant, or Miserable Path

My little great granddaughter Pippa walking along happily with her parents.

My little great granddaughter Pippa walking along happily with her parents.

Please note at the end of the blog you will find some instructions for Thursday morning’s Bible study.

“He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Proverbs 23:3

Don’t we all love to see a young child happily being led along by the hand of their loving and caring parent? Whether the little one is headed to the doctor or to a fun playground, their peaceful confidence in their parent makes the progress toward the destination beautiful. Contrast this picture with that of a child resisting their parent’s leadership and insisting on heading out in their self-determined direction. Sadly, all of us have experienced this not only out in public, but, with our own children as well. It is quite amazing to think that a child would think they have a better idea than someone 20, 30, or 40 years older than them.

However, too often we show the same attitude in our lack of walking along in the path our God has put out before us. The perfect, almighty, all knowing, all powerful, sovereign God knows exactly the way we should be living our lives; to ignore this would very much show us the foolishness of our own opinion of ourselves. God presents in His Word all we need to know for walking in paths of righteousness which always result in showing how amazingly wonderful God is.

During this historic quarantine are we walking in God’s ways within our home and with our families? Do our lives how how great God is in the midst of calamity? Or are we living irritable, self-indulgent and unthankful lives?

Let’s come together on Zoom this Thursday morning at 9:30 to encourage one another in walking peacefully in the paths of righteousness for God’s glory. We will discuss pages 95-106 in our study guide. If you don’t have a book, no problem; meditate on Psalm 23:3. I want to see you Thursday morning!

Please note: To connect with our class on Zoom go to community.discoverybaptist.org and click on the Ladies Bible Study on the left of the page under “Event Links.”

If you are having trouble finding your video or mute buttons, usually they will be hidden on the top right, or lower left of your screen. As the cursor goes into that area they will show up. Also, there are two views of the video screens for each lady that you can see. One is called the Speaker view where whoever is speaking is shown in a larger picture. The other is the Gallery view where everyone has the same size picture. You can always tell who is speaking because their picture will have a yellow frame around it.

Please let me know if you are having any problems with Zoom and I will find someone who can help you.