Peace in Times of Turmoil


“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.” Psalm 23:2

The current “stay at home” orders, the daunting statistics concerning the Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have clearly accelerated the intensity of stress and anxiety in the world around us. But, I have good news! Those who have put their trust in the Almighty God of the Universe have no need for fear or worry. Why? Because He is in charge of our lives; He is always doing what is best for us. No matter whether we are well, sick, wealthy, poor, housebound, or free to safely travel the world, God controls our lives for our benefit and His glory. Most often we look at what effects us physically and measure our security and peace accordingly. But, a much more accurate evaluation concerning our well-being observes the condition of our soul. When our soul is at peace and content, everything about us reflects that state. Nothing genuinely brings about such calm other than knowing we are in the loving care of our all-powerful and all-knowing heavenly Father.

Thousands of years ago when David wrote Psalm 23 he most likely was in one of the most difficult times of his life and the life of Israel as his son Absalom worked on overthrowing David’s position as king. Can you imagine the possibility for stress? In the midst of Absalom’s pursuit of his father’s life, David wrote, “He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.” This is incredibly beautiful and encouraging. Do we trust God in this way? Do we have peace and calm in the middle of the Coronavirus? This is what God wants for us.

Tomorrow morning we will be discussing all of this during our 9:30 Ladies Bible Study. Be prepared by completing Days 3-5 for Week 2. To join me live online Thursday morning please tap the following button or tap the link on Discovery Baptist Church website.