How "Merrry" is your Christmas?


“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14

Do you find the preceived requirements of the Christmas season producing a nagging anxiety in you? More than one of my friends has share with me recently that they look forward to Christmas being over. Although this attitude may plague all of us at some point during this time of year, we really need to refocus our hearts and minds on what our true purpose should be just now. When we remember that we should be celebrating the coming of God to earth as a tiny helpless baby who would just a few years later die for us, then delight should pour into every day of this time of year. God has planned just exactly what we need to get done during this coming week. If we find ourselves stressed out, then either we are doing more than He planned, or we have lost the focus of Christmas. Reread what the angel told the shepherds on the beautiful night of Jesus’ birth. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” May our lives be full of glory to God and the peace and goodwill toward men will follow.

Ladies, please note that our Bible Study books for January are do to arrive this coming week. I’ll plan to have then available next Sunday. We will be studying 1 and 2 Peter—Courage in Times of Trouble. Our classes will resume on January 14th. I’m sure looking forward to this study.

Merry Christmas!!!!