Is worry eroding your confidence in God?

Mark and I enjoy watching Coast Guard Alaska on YouTube. We have seen many amazing rescues of people whose lives would have perished had not the Coast Guard come for them. These rescues our only possible if the person needing help has the confidence to get into the basket the Coast Guard has lower down for them. If they refuse to get into the basket because of fear that they basket won’t carry their weight, or the cable might break on its way up, then the rescue is impossible.

In a similar but grander way our confidence (faith) in God rescues us from many difficulties we could get ourselves into. When we worry “what if’s” begin to erode our confidence in God‘s character and ability. As our worries increase, God becomes smaller in our minds. Before we know it our confidence in God has dwindled and our worries have become dominant. The only way to reverse this discouraging and depressing direction of life is to read and believe what God says in his Word. He spoke and the Universe came into being. Surely he is more than able to care for everything in our lives. No worries.

Ladies, I am so excited that we are on Livestream every Thursday morning at 9:30. You are welcome to join us that way or watch the recorded version of our study anytime after 11 o’clock. Go to and click on Livestream to find us. Lesson 7 will be our discussion platform this Thursday morning.