
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. (Proverbs 11:25)

God’s mighty hand that plans out our days has clearly been at work to bring our attention to a Biblical view of our material world, as well as our spiritual world. I say this because I have been amazed at the various pointed teachings on this subject we have received in the past couple of weeks. Nathan Waldock’s message last week on using our lives for things of eternal value, Graham’s Sunday School class series on “Where is Your Treasure?” and our current Ladies Bible Study looking at what Proverbs says about prosperity, all end up giving a united message about not wasting our lives, resources, and abilities on things that do not matter. I am thinking God definitely wants us to get the message. As Francis Chan observes, “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.” How is the new year starting out for you? Do you have God’s perspective on life, or are you just following along with the “herd” mentality.

We will take a serious look at Proverbs’ wise words concerning the source and responsibilities of prosperity this Thursday morning at 9:30 in the Fireside Room. If you don’t have the study materials, I will have them for you. Liesl and Ann will be caring for all the little ones, so, don’t hesitate to bring them along.