The Way of Wisdom!

The Way of Wisdom!

This Wednesday morning my doctor plans to check my heart and observe other markers that indicate good, or poor health. Most people consider it wise to have somewhat regular evaluations of their hearts, particularly as they get older. However, there is a “heart” of much more value that relatively few people concern themselves with evaluating. More than 700 times God talks about this “heart” in the Bible. Many of those references are found in the wisdom literature of Proverbs. Consider this wisdom—”Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) Think about that for a while.

In helping us understand the true meaning of this heart, I found this great quote from John MacArthur. “The ‘heart commonly refers to the mind as the center of thinking and reason, but also includes the emotions, the will, and thus, the whole inner being. The heart is the depository of all wisdom and the source of whatever affects speech and conduct.” In other words, this affects everything about our lives!

This Thursday morning our Ladies Bible Study will consider God’s instructions concerning our “heart” in general and also more specifically in relation to pride and humility (day’s one and two of chapter 7). I want you to part of this time of encouragement to live whole”heart”edly for the Lord.