When I took this picture we were on the border between Chile and Argentina and the passport control and customs office was directly behind me. We traveled on gravel roads like this for many miles before and after the border crossing and it felt a bi…

When I took this picture we were on the border between Chile and Argentina and the passport control and customs office was directly behind me. We traveled on gravel roads like this for many miles before and after the border crossing and it felt a bit like we were actually on a logging road somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula.

“It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night,”

(Psalms 92:1-2)

“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord,” or Jehovah. It is good ethically, for it is the Lord's right; it is good emotionally, for it is pleasant to the heart; it is good practically, for it leads others to render the same homage. When duty and pleasure combine, who will be backward? To give thanks to God is but a small return for the great benefits wherewith he daily loadeth us; yet as he by his Spirit calls it a good thing, we must not despise it, or neglect it. We thank men when they oblige us, how much more ought we to bless the Lord when he benefits us. Devout praise is always good, it is never out of season, never superfluous,..” Spurgeon

What beauty thankfulness to God brings into our lives. I’m confident that even for those of us who are thankful to Him, generally we miss more that we notice of His bountiful blessings to us. I’m encouraged by Psalm 92 to be more aware of what God is doing and more expressive to Him and others of my heartfelt thankfulness.

Currently Mark and I are seeing some of God’s amazing creation in Chile and Argentina. It is a part of the world most of us are unfamiliar with. As we traveled yesterday on gravel roads past beautiful lakes and through the rugged Andes mountains, God’s mighty hand was apparent. His mighty hand also is clear in the lives of our granddaughter and her husband (Naomi and Jorge) as He has given them a great desire to know and serve Him. Oh course, I must also thank God for our great granddaughter Pippa who cheers everyone with her calm little spirit.

Plan to be part of the discussion of Psalm 92 this Thursday morning as Ruth Rogers leads the discussion. Mark and I will return home next week. Please pray for us this weekend as we participate in a seminar on the family.