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This past weekend our youngest child Elijah and his friend Sierra came for a visit. Elijah took on quite a challenge for the month of September; he set a goal (in competition with his friends, of course) of pumping out 10,000 push-ups! That would be pretty much 330 every day; I feel worn out just thinking about it. But his determination to put in this great effort and stick with the challenge caused me to think about whether I am putting out the energy I should toward what matters for time and eternity.

I am challenged to be more diligent in studying God’s word, praying for my family and friends, reaching out to those who need encouragement and to those who do not know their Creator. In light of that I hope you are involved with our wonderful study on Psalms on Thursday mornings. This week we will be doing chapter 2 on Psalm 16. What great encouraging words we read from the heart of David that should be our soul’s song as well. “I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8

Patricia Hubbard will be teaching this week while Mark and I are flying to Switzerland. I’ll be praying for a great study. Child care is provided, so bring along your little ones.