The solar eclipse photographed from our home.
This past Monday thousands of people were awed by a rare solar eclipse. In our increasingly secular society this event generally brought great attention to the amazing happening itself, but, stopped short of extending that focus to the One who brought it about--namely God. The awe we should have of such a powerful Being who would cause this beautiful event to happen becomes over-ridden by the eclipse itself,. In other words we tend to dead end at the very place our thoughts and words should be going on to the Creator of it all--in wonder and awe of Him. One of His amazing attributes is that He is infinite. Can we put our heads around that idea?
Here is a great quote that should help us expand our thoughts on infinity just a bit. "C.S. Lewis said that if you could think of a sheet of paper infinitely extended in all directions, and if you took a pencil and made a line one inch long on it, that would be time. When you started to push your pencil it was the beginning of time and when you lifted it off the paper it was the end of time. And all around, infinitely extended in all directions, is God" This is the One who made the eclipse happen.