What really blesses the lives of moms and grandmas?  Let's consider the woman who has been called "blessed among women."  One of the things that made Mary the mother of Jesus an extraordinary woman was her humility that caused her to graciously and happily accept God's plan for her to be the mother of the long-awaited Messiah even though this would mean public condemnation.  How dominate is this quality in our lives?  How willing are we to truly follow God's will when it isn't easy or comfortable?  How blessed are we?

Ladies, don't miss this coming Thursday morning as we look at the life of Mary in our study of extraordinary women of the Bible.  Of all of the women we are studying in this series, this is one that I want you to particularly have a part in; what a perfect time to look in detail at the life of one of the most significant characters in the Christmas story.  Please plan to be with us this coming Thursday morning at 9:30 to be encouraged by the life of Mary.  Amanda will be watching our little ones.