Me, my brother Lyle, my sister Marcia, and my brother Mark.

Me, my brother Lyle, my sister Marcia, and my brother Mark.

What was Christmas like for a little farm girl in the early 1950's?  Oh, those were magical days.  Early in the evening on Christmas Eve my mom would send us four kids out to the barn so that "Santa" could come.  I remember the dim lights of our milking barn, the good fragrance of the alfalfa hay mixed with the sweet smell of molasses that was always added to the grain that time of year.  There was always a mother cat meowing with her little kittens trailing close behind her and the cows munching on their grain and hay with an occasional low mooing.  Us kids would run around in the area where hay was stored--excited about what possibly Santa would be bringing us, but, always careful to not peek out the door to try to see him, because , of course, then he wouldn't leave us any presents.  Realizing that we would only be getting one gift anyway, we sure didn't want to take any risks.  When Mom finally called out that Santa had come and gone, we ran to the house for all we were worth!

What happy days those were.  But, Christmas is so much more for me today.  Oh, the depth of the beauty and wonder that God came to earth, lived a humble life and died for everything wrong I have ever done so that I can one day live with Him forever.  This overwhelms my soul!  My favorite event at Christmas is our Christmas Eve service at church.  The contemplation of what happened that first Christmas night makes me rich and joyful and thankful deep within.  Christmas is beautiful--because of Christ!

Be sure to join me Christmas Eve at 6 for a wonderful service remembering the birth of our Savior.  Then on Christmas morning we will rejoice together again as did the shepherds, Mary and Joseph that first Christmas.