UPDATE ON UKRAINE #8 God’s providence in war

Things in Ukraine are very difficult but they fight on in the exhaustion. Since the invasion on Feb. 24th it is reported about 100 Russian choppers/planes were downed and roughly 2-4,000 Russian troops were killed depending on sources. About 3,400 civilians died according to the UN and about 2,000,000 refugees have fled to foreign countries. In spite of the dangers of war many stay and face great griefs and even death..

Bombing of the maternity hospital today in Mariupol in the SE of Ukraine. We were near there on the Sea of Azov some years ago.

Thankfully our daughter Rachel and family are now in Hungary and waiting. Our son Caleb and family are out and continue in Moldova waiting also. They have ample supplies but are concerned with helping refugees around them. Many are traumatized by what they have experienced. Ministry goes on around Caleb and Mike’s families wherever they are. God is using them.

In spite of the the grief and difficulty of war we can at times see God’s hand at work. When Russia attacked Ukraine many had communications disrupted, They were cut off from the rest of the world. Elon Musk was asked to help. He is an entrepreneur and the CEO of Tesla Motors. Musk soon replied. “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine.” “More terminals in route.” It is one of those things God pulls together at the right time. We call that “providence.” The power was on!

One Ukraine soldier said: "I want to inspire those who pray for us with the words of our soldiers and ordinary people from different parts of Ukraine, where the battle takes place. Soldiers of Ukraine testify "We feel your prayerful support. Sometimes something really incomprehensible happens, as if someone's invisible hand is actually making bullets fly past us. We win in very difficult situations, as if someone is helping us. We are invisible to the enemy, while we ourselves become able to see in the dark, and we know what to do and how to do it. It inspires us and gives us strength. We believe that the Jesus Christ Himself is for Ukraine. We ask you not to stop, support us and continue to pray. We really need you "" That is our call to prayer for this blog. Pray for Ukraine.

Together we are strongest…even if we are a minority. Hebrews 10:23-25 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Watching online is helpful but not a replacement for the strengthening of fellowship with other soldiers of the faith face to face. War will test us but if we walk together the Lord will strengthen us.

Pastor Mark

-Ukraine Crisis Fund You can help through the Ukraine Crisis Fund 0717401. Checks can be mailed to Discovery Baptist Church, 4902 Gustafson Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335. Or make use of the DBC electronic giving page (https://www.discoverybaptist.org/give-online). Our sincere gratitude to those who donated! It will be used to help the refuges of the war in and out of the country.

-Spring clocks forward an hour this Sunday for DST.

-Sunday I’ll speak in the 8:30 and 11:00 services on Wars and Rumors of Wars and give update on our refuge status of our missionaries.

-New marriage class during SS in the Gym at 9:50am led by Mike & Heather Stevens.

Week One — Reviewed the truth that the Bible is God’s Word and it must be believed, leading to Salvation. 2 Tim 3:15 “sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus”. Stressed the truth that a godly marriage is a supernatural creation of God. Created before the entry of sin into the world. This requires each individual to have submitted their lives to Christ as their Savior. The character traits necessary for a fulfilled marriage (1 Cor 13/Gal 5:22-23) are supernaturally obtained through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit at Salvation.

Week Two — We’re going back to the beginning to see the creation of marriage by God in the Garden of Eden. (Gen 1:27, 2:18-25) A suitable helper.

Week Three — Looking at Ephesians 5 and how the marriage is the highest form of human relationship as it is used as a picture of Christ and His Church.

Week Four — Open forum. Questions and Topics submitted by class attendees.

UPDATE ON UKRAINE #7 Ukraine at War

The ancient Golden Gate of Kyiv is what people entered Kyiv by in the 11th century. About that time Kyiv became the capitol of Kievan Rus as it was called. The gate was modeled after the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Many have seen the restored gate when they visit Kyiv. But today, sadly, people are not going into but out of the city. Because of the war they are trying to get to a safe place far away from here or in another country.

The ancient Golden Gates of Kyiv before the war.

Our family is out of Ukraine now in in a safe place. But the Russian army is still pounding Kyiv hoping it will fall so that a new government can be put in place.

Many are fleeing to Moldova, Hungary, and other places. They often leave spouses behind to fight. By train, bus, car, or walking is how they travel. There currently are about one million refugees. But that could grow to million people. Most trains are packed beyond capacity and some don’t even bother to charge. People are desperate. Click the link below to experience getting out…then pray for Ukraine.

If you want to help go to our church website and click on the “Give” button and follow the prompts to give to the Ukraine Crisis Fund.

Pastor Mark

Coming up this weekend…

-Men & Boys Discipleship Breakfast, Sat, 8:00am in the foyer as Pastor Mark leads the study on Philippians. Chapter 4 this Saturday. Watch online starting at about 8:30. We’ll conclude early for the work day.

-Church Workday, Sat, 9:30am. Mostly outside work. Bring shovels, wheelbarrows, picks, gloves, and hard work happiness. Primary job is to install as many irrigation lines as possible. We have several other jobs on the list as well. (Bring ladders and 5-gallon buckets to help clean gutters.) All ages welcome, but please watch out for the excavator and trencher.

-Marriage Sunday School Class begins this Sun, 9:50am. Led by Michael and Heather Stephens. Meet in the gym.

UPDATE ON UKRAINE #6 Ukraine in Crisis

It is said that battle plans always change once you are in the battle. Ukraine’s churches and believers are now in battle different to what we expected. In my last blog I wrote about Caleb’s family getting out of Odessa after rockets started hitting the city. They were not the only ones to leave. The highways were packed and traffic eventually came to a crawl. It took about 22 hours to drive the 60 miles to Moldova where a missionary family has put them up. As soon as they made it they began helping other people from their new church that followed them there. They had a church service Sunday and there were more in attendance then they had in Ukraine. PTL

Then a group of 40+ young Indian students called for help too. What a gospel opportunity? Caleb, although exhausted from just getting his family out, is now helping theses refugees also in Moldova. So far 360,000 refugees who have fled the war in Ukraine.

But there are still believers back in Ukraine like our beloved associates Vladimir and Maria Sagadeyev who are the parents to our daughter-in-law. One young pastor friend and his family in country had to shelter in the basement of their old apartment building to protect them. Not a nice place. We heard they got out. But many more are sheltering anywhere they can since more attacks are expected. Pray!

A Pastor friend and his family in basement bomb shelter near Kiev.

Some of our flock has asked about helping. Prayer is always first. Pray for peace and safety. Pray for the Ukrainian army to hold of the new attacks that are coming. Pray for the many families who have lost loved ones. Pray for our grandchildren who are in tears wanting to go home (to Ukraine). I feel emotional as well. Pray for wisdom about where to go next. Pray for the many churches affected there. Pray for Vladimir Putin to stop attacking. Pray for the Russian people.

In Ukraine there will be financial needs for simple basics like food, clothing, bedding, medical, transportation, fuel etc..There will also be opportunities to share God’s love through the eternal comfort of the Gospel of Christ (Mat. 28:19-20). Ukrainian pastors and our missionaries will have lots of ministry to do.

Their mission agency, www.abwe.org, has a Ukraine Crisis Fund to help. My two missionary kids have been serving in Ukraine, Mike & Rachel (Suko) Gustafson and Caleb & Christina Suko are administering this fund. About $30,000+ has been given. You can give to the Ukraine Crisis Fund either at our offering box at church or our online page at https://www.discoverybaptist.org/give or www.abwe.org. Be sure to mark it for the Ukraine Crisis Fund in either case.

Stay tuned for my next blog on the subject. Note also Sunday Mar. 13th I’ll be reporting on this and preaching in both services at Discovery.

Pastor Mark 


Guys don’t forget that Saturday . . . .

  • Men’s Discipleship Breakfast is this Saturday March 5th from 8 to 9:15 am.

  • All church work party. Work starts after breakfast. Help is needed as we begin to prepare outside for landscaping.