UPDATE ON UKRAINE #5 Bombing starts

Early Wednesday Feb. 23rd bombs and loud explosions were heard in Odessa. It was still night there. Our son Caleb called immediately. We prayed. Odessa is on the Black Sea and is a key target since it was a major port city. We expected this to happen but it was still hard to believe. Instantly it was on the news around the world.

The next day we realized about 50 cities were attacked. Among them was the capitol of Kiev to the north where our kids, the Gustafsons, lived. They left before the attack. Caleb’s family planned to leave also and head to Moldova. Christina's parents decided to stay on in Odessa. No Russian soldiers had come into Odessa yet but we expect they will eventually. Pray.

City center of Kiev where government offices are and where the massive demonstrations were held a few years ago.

Moldova is a short drive from Odessa of about 60 miles to the west. It is a safe, small, and welcoming country. Suddenly cars were everywhere trying to get gas and get out of Odessa. it was like the Jews leaving Egypt in the book of Exodus. Because of massive numbers of people fleeing to Moldova the road became more crowded as they got closer. It took about 22 hours to drive only 60 miles. They were exhausted and glad to see their hosts on the other side where they will be for a while. Ironically this was very close to where my grandparents came from over a century ago. Now we’re back again.

Arriving and celebrating at boarder crossing into Moldova where they will be staying for awhile.

Next we heard Ukraine was handing out weapons to their citizens who could handle a gun. It was a good idea since they were out gunned by Russia. But Ukrainians know the landscape. Even the previous president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, joined the citizen soldiers with his own weapon ready to protect their country. Pray.

By the end of Thursday Chernobyl was taken, I also heard Ukraine shot down 7 Russian jets, 7 coppers, damaged 20 armored vehicles, and destroyed 24 Russian tanks. A number of Russians surrendered saying they didn’t realize they were hired to kill Ukrainians. Today it was announced that yesterday 130 Ukrainians had been killed and 800 Russians.

So the battle has started and there is a long way to go. Be in prayer often for both sides remembering God is in control. It reminds us to keep our trust focused on the Lord through times like these. Read the full page that goes with the text below about how the enemies destroyed themselves. Amazing.

2Ch 20:20 They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed."

Stay tuned for next update. Note you can also subscribe to blogs on the church website at www.discoverybaptist.org.

More later. -Pastor Mark

UPDATE ON UKRAINE #4 Invasion Starts

Christ said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened…” (Mat. 24:6). Those words rang in my ears as I heard that Russia was invading Eastern Ukraine in the Donbas region this morning. This happened a decade ago and a war was started that still smolders. Later Caleb and I were part of a ministry to local churches and the Ukrainian military there.

Ukraine has lost thousands from the fighting in the Donbas region to the east. Pray them as they face war again.

Caleb and some pastors went there last week to do more ministry. War does open those kinds of doors. They were within a few miles of live fire. It was a little tense due to the threat of Russia making a full invasion. Our family prayed for several days until they finished and returned to Odessa by overnight train this past weekend. Click on Caleb’s full reports in links below and see what they saw and his report on scene.

Caleb’s family is in Odessa on the Black Sea. That also is likely to be attacked. Caleb is busy assisting the members of his new church finding places to stay since they can’t leave the country. Airlines have almost ceased operations and I expect trains might also soon if things get worse. Our son and family have bags packed and ready to go if they needed to flee to a safe area. Pray!

Christ said we could expect to see wars before He returns (Mat. 24:6). Read Matthew 24 for the full picture. Note that Mark and Luke and Revelation also comment on this. Note that I will be preaching in both services on this text on March 13th at Discovery.

If you would like to be on Caleb’s regular updates on Messenger then contact Nancy or me. In the mean time keep praying since God is doing an unseen work in both countries there and here also.

Pastor Mark


Thanks for praying for Ukraine and our people and associates in ministry there. Now about 30 Russian war ships and a sub are in the Black Sea. Tensions seem to have mounted in the last ten days.

This Russian war ship entered the Black Sea earlier this week along with a total of about 30.

Then we were told Russia may attack on the 14th. Nothing happened.

Today there was a Unity March for Ukraine in the cities. Thousands walked down the streets waiving the flag and singing. Obviously the people are standing for their country.

In other developments Russia indicated they were backing down. At the same time there is a buildup of Russian forces in Belarus which is above the western part of Ukraine. This means Ukraine is even more tightly surrounded by Russian troops.

Our son Caleb and family have elected to stay on in Odessa which remains quiet. ABWE, the mission agency that assists them, called our church the other day to see where we stand as the sending church. They have talked to Caleb and know his desire to continue staying there since many in his new church are staying also and need his guidance and spiritual encouragement. Security sources also agreed on this. Both Pastor Chris and I also feel it is fine to continue on even though the possibility of war exists. Caleb’s father-in-law’s Vladimir is part of our mission team and has lived through these things before…and at one time was part of the Soviet Navy. He also agreed with us. So we feel the Lord is saying “Stay!”

Ironically the next morning Caleb called to let us know that the US has a very large drone flying over Ukraine during the nights keeping watch. Sort of comforting but no a replacement for even one of God’s powerful angels. If you use a Flight Tracker you can see it live. The picture below taken at 8:04 AM. The red line is the course of the drone. There are no other planes flying over Ukraine but that is not too unusual. More importantly there are almost no planes over the Black Sea where the Russian Navy has been doing exercises (with guns I am sure).

Ship Trackers also allow you to see ships in the Black Sea and their direction, speed, type of vessel, registry etc.. Check it out.

Our mission agency ABWE and Kyiv Theological Seminary are mentioned in Christianity Today magazine. Mike Gustafsons, our son-in-law, knows most of the people quoted in this article. Mike also teaches at that seminary. Pray for them too. Click the link below to see the article.


Let us pray about these matter, our missionaries and the people in these countries. Isaiah 1 tells us that the prayers of an unholy people are an abomination to God so we need to look to ourselves first. Then by prayer and supplication we can bring our prayer to God (Phil. 4:6).

More later.

Pastor Mark