Why should we read the Bible through? Some would say it is old fashioned, out of day, or only myth. But, as Nancy and I started reading the through it again this this morning, many reasons came flooding to mind why we should read it regularly. Here are a few.

  • It is continually the world’s best seller. That says something without uttering a word.

  • It is a book that has been banned, burned, outlawed, and destroyed but keeps coming back regardless of attacks on it.

  • It gives us a lasting explanation for why and how we were created which is contrary to the changing views of man through the centuries.

  • It gives answers for why the universe is the way it is.

  • It tells us the past which helps us understand the present and future.

  • It gives reasons for why sin and evil predominate the world.

  • It outlines what will eventually happen to the world.

  • It confronts us with our sinfulness (cf. Rom. 3).

  • It warns that our sin will result in eternal judgement.

  • It promises se can be forgiven through Christ alone because he died on the cross for it.

  • It informs us we must put our faith in Christ to be forgiven. (John 3)

  • It promises God will not leave or forsake those who believe in Christ.

  • It helps us grow in grace and knowledge of God.

  • It reminds us this world is not all there is.

  • It warns us this world will pass away but God’s kingdom will eventually be victorious in the New Heaven and Earth.

  • It promises the resurrection of all believers.

  • It tells us where to turn when we are trying to help others.

  • It helps the believer avoid being self-centered but be concerned for others.

  • It helps us hear God. I like what someone said, “If you want to hear God speak then read the bible out loud.”

We could add to this list until it went around the world. It is worth considering this New Years Day 2021. Therefore, today begin a bible reading plan in whatever language you speak. Consider Nancy’s or my blogs on this subject earlier this week at www.discoverybaptist.org. Now, don’t just sit there, but get started before the day is over.

Happy Bible Reading Year 2021

Pastor Mark



We like reading good books but there is one particular best seller we read yearly. For most of our married life Nancy and I have read through the Bible yearly. Some years ago our son put us on to The Daily Audio Bible. It is a daily online reading by Brian Hardin in which he gives background, explanation, and personal application as he reads. Due to copyright laws he uses a different translation weekly. He reads from four places each day (Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and a Proverb). This takes about 20 minutes. It follows the exact same readings as Jerry Cudney sends out for those preferring to read hard copy.

We listen to the DAB as we drink our coffee, do exercises inside or walk outside. In those cases we use a set of Apple AirPods to hear simultaneously with one in her and one in my ears. Then we discuss it and pray together. One way or another it changes our lives as God reveals new things along the way.


Nancy wrote about it this morning too…

“Every morning Mark and I start our day with a good cup of coffee and listening to the Bible on Daily Audio Bible. In one year Brian Hardin reads the entire Bible on this website following the exact same plan that our friend Jerry Cudney sends out every day. I appreciate the great commentary Jerry shares daily and likewise Brian gives thoughtful comments on the passages he reads.

Recently, Brian commented on Psalm 147:11 in connection with New Year’s resolutions. Consider these words: “…the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Think about resolutions we have made in past years; most likely they predominately focus on self-improvement of some sort. Brian suggested (and I heartily agree) that a far better resolution would be centered on fearing (in the “awesome” aspect of that word) and putting our hope in God’s unfailing love. Oh yes, I love this idea. If we start with what is most important, then everything else will take its proper place. This is actually the resolution that resolves all of the other resolutions that we might be considering.

Let’s “delight” the Lord in 2021 with awesome respect toward Him and putting our hope in His unfailing love.”


Reading the Bible is crucial for the Christian all through life since the word, which are God’s words, cause us to think deeper as the Holy Spirit applies them to us. Every believer should be in some sort of Bible reading plan. If you have a hard time reading, or simply have never done it, then consider trying this method or perhaps the one Jerry Cudney does. Just ask Jerry on how to join that.

Some folks say God does not speak today. I disagree. To hear Him speak audibly just read your bible out loud. Seriously, there are many good Bible reading plans out there. The key is digging in and doing it.

Pastor Mark

This weekend…

  • Men and Boy’s Discipleship meets this Saturday 8-9:30 for our new study on Philippians. Join us in the coffee bar area of HF.

  • A Saturday work party is needed at our building construction site for an hour or two following the Men’s event. We need help pulling old carpet from the auditorium floor and risers. We also need to toss a large pile of insulation. It is good if anyone wants to use it in home projects. Tools to bring are box knife with curved tip, scraper, hammer, pliers, face mask, gloves, knee pads, and warm clothes. Free tours of the new building too or click the link to see how it is going. https://photos.app.goo.gl/zx7xrZdJxSPzobZN9


Recently I have thought more deeply on the night appearance of the angels to the shepherds. Luke 2:13 tells us a single angel appeared standing in front of them with God’s glory all around them and announcing the birth of Christ. The terrified shepherd had never seen such a thing, but would have been aware of angel appearances in the Old Testament.

What follows is an appearance in the heavens above of massive numbers of angels far to large to count. Wording suggests it could have been thousands or even multiple millions. It was a major event in divine history. It was a turning point in divine history because of the birth of this baby.

What did these angelic messengers do? First, they praised God for what was going on in heaven saying “Glory to God in the highest.” They were praising God in worship for what had been announced by the first angel. Praise does not get any higher than than “the highest”. It was over the top. No heavenly band played either. It does not even say they “sang” but only that they “said” this. We know in retrospect this announcement was infinitely important because this baby was the long awaited Messiah promised in Isaiah in the Old Testament.

The second thing the angels said was “on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased.Mankind could be at peace with God because of this baby. Even lowly shepherds could be at peace. The plan of redemption was being completed. God’s grace was now revealed in a personal and visible way through this infant. Peace between human beings on earth could be achieved also. Manmade peace is often only “a time to reload.”  But this peace is much greater.

This peace is with whom He is pleased." In other words God Himself chooses who will come into His peace. In reality because of sin every human who ever lived is lost and without hope because of their own sin. Romans 3:10 says, “as it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE;” Most Americans may not see them self as this bad. But this is what the the God tells us in both testaments.

How could God be pleased with man? It is through what He did through Christ. He would, as an innocent and sinless man, die in our place taking our punishment and giving us His righteousness. We must repent of our sin and put our faith in Him alone as our Savior. John 3:16 and 14:6 are a few of many verses that tell us Christ is the only way to God.

You don’t earn it, work for it, or deserve it—salvation from our sin only happens when God in Christ freely provides it…even the faith to believe it. What about people before Christ’s birth? Simply said they looked forward with the same faith that we look backward to the cross.

Thanks to the Gary & Linda Horton for graciously allowing us use their home for this picture.

Thanks to the Gary & Linda Horton for graciously allowing us use their home for this picture.

As we finish one year and look forward to a new year we ought to take inventory of our understanding of who Christ is and the plan of salvation God provided for us in Christ. Are you certain you are born again as you approach the new year.

As we make the transition from one year to the next I know Nancy and I as well as Pastor Chris and Ruth would wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Pastor Mark


  • Nancy’s weekly Ladies Bible Study is starting Thursday Jan.7th at 9:30. New study on 1st & 2nd Peter meeting at Harborview Fellowship. Study is also livestreamed at our website so you can watch later.

  • Pastor Mark’s Men’s Discipleship is starting up again Jan. 2 at 8 a.m. in the new study guide by MacArthur of Philippians. We normally meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Harborview Fellowship. We will add extra tables for more social distancing and reserve the rear table for those wearing masks. This study is also livestreamed at our website so you can watch later.

  • Building project volunteers needed New Years weekend. Need help removing carpeting and insulation. The insulation is reusable and free to take or place in the big dumpster. Helping in this way reduces contractor costs. Contact Pastor Mark about access to site.

  • See recent exciting building project pics by clicking the link. https://photos.app.goo.gl/jAmCYJrFrQkLE9Qf9

  • Check church bulletin on our website www.discoverybaptist.org for more details.