
I’ve been thinking a lot about Christ’s mountain miracle recently. It is likely the greatest miracle He did to this point. The time for Jesus to go to the cross was getting closer. Mark 9:1-13 (Also mentioned in Matthew 16 and Luke 9) says He took three of this disciples up on a tall mountain to pray.

There Peter, James, and John fell asleep as usual. Suddenly they woke to see Jesus transfigured before them. He was glowing with the glory of God in a miraculous way as he spoke with Moses and Elijah. Bible scholars say the glow Jesus had was a white hot brilliance as if it came from within rather than from the outside. This seems to be a brief picture of what Heaven is like. The disciples needed to see this because they were really confused about Jesus saying He would die; it didn’t fit their plan.

Moses and Elijah represented the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament. They had lived more than a millennium before and were there discussing with Jesus about His coming resurrection. God even spoke telling the stunned disciples to “listen” to Jesus.

A main purpose of this event was to help the disciples mature. They needed to see Christ had to die for our sin so those who believe could be forgiven and saved. They had a long way to grow as the prophecies and lessons of the Old Testament represented by Moses and Elijah, eventually made sense. Then after our Lord’s resurrection they were willing to die also as they matured and spread the message of the Gospel.

The disciples had been with Jesus for most of three years. But even at this late date they were not very mature to the point that both Jesus and God himself had to rebuke Peter the leader (cf. Mark 8:33; 9:7). This also pictures us as we stumble along spiritually. When a person truly comes to salvation by faith alone in Christ there is a Holy Spirit transformation internally. But often we can get confused about what steps God desires for us to take. We are like Peter and need to be challenged to “listen to Jesus” and go the next step.

Recently we visited the church our son Ezra attends in Texas. I happened to note the little Connect Card about a Spiritual Growth Track that was given us; I liked what they said on this card. Look at it and ask yourself where you are regarding your own spiritual growth. Are you at level 1, or 6 or somewhere in between. Or maybe Salvation is something you don’t understand yet. In any case let us know if we can be of help to your growth…that is what our pastors and deacons are here for. Let’s connect.


You can hear my full message on Mark 9 (Miracle on the Mountain) on our Livestream for Sunday 11/26/2020. Or jus click below.

Men, be sure to join us for Men and Boy’s Discipleship and our new study through Philippians. Join us this Saturday 12/5/2020 at 8 am at Harborview Fellowship while our new facility is under construction. Coffee and light breakfast snacks provided.

Pastor Mark


Each year before Thanksgiving Dinner I read a quote from William Bradford, the principle leader and historian of the pilgrims for three decades. He was a strong spiritual leader and mentioned God’s working among them often. When his lost record of the Pilgrims was found, a member of Congress said that Of Plymouth Plantation was the most important book to America outside of the Bible.

This year I read of the Pilgrim’s departure from Leyden to sail to England and hence to the New World (America). As I read my emotions were stirred and my guess is yours will be also. It reminds us of Paul’s tearful farewell to the Ephesian elders in Ephesus (Acts 20:32-38). Bradford described the Pilgrims boarding the ship never to see almost of their friends again. I think you can figure out some of the old English words.

When they came to the place they found the ship and all things ready, and such of their friends as could not come with them followed after them, and sundry also came from Amsterdam to see them shipped and to take their leave of them. That night was spent with little sleep by the most, but with friendly entertainment and Christian discourse and other real expressions of true Christian love. The next day (the wind being fair) they went aboard and their friends with them, where truly doleful was the sight of that sad and mournful parting, to see what sighs and sobs and prayers did sound amongst them, what tears did gush from every eye, and pithy speeches pierced each heart; that sundry of the Dutch strangers that stood on the quay as spectators could not refrain from tears. Yet comfortable and sweet it was to see lively and true expressions of dear and unfeigned love. But the tide stays for no man, calling them away that were thus loath to depart, their reverend pastor falling down on his knees (and they all with him) with watery cheeks commended them with most fervent prayers to the Lord and His blessing. And then with mutual embraces and many tears they took their leaves one to another, which proved to be the last leave to many of them.”

Old artist illustration of pilgrims in prayer before their departure.  Getty image.

Old artist illustration of pilgrims in prayer before their departure. Getty image.

Imagine saying farewell to friends, parents and grandparents, as well as,, other believers from your church who stayed behind. As they departed the Pilgrims knew a fall crossing of the Atlantic was a difficult and dangerous task in itself. But they were committed and we benefited.

The Pilgrims sailed first to England where they boarded the Mayflower and crossed the Atlantic in 66 days arriving on November 11th 1620, just 400 years ago. As we celebrate Thanksgiving let’s give thanks to God for how He worked through them to raise up a country that is in many ways unique in history.

Be thankful for the pilgrims’ but also that our building project is coming a long well as you can see below. Keep our builders and building committee in prayer.

Nancy and I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving. We are in Texas to celebrate with our son Ezra and family.

Pastor Mark

(L to R)  Kitchen, new class rooms, offices, new foyer, and main entrance which will be under the special trusses seen in center of the picture.. To the far right see the new auditorium extension with the light bluish roof underlayment for the new r…

(L to R) Kitchen, new class rooms, offices, new foyer, and main entrance which will be under the special trusses seen in center of the picture.. To the far right see the new auditorium extension with the light bluish roof underlayment for the new roof..

Here is a front view of kitchen and class room part being framed up.  In the left foreground the new fellowship hall will be framed up soon on the cement slab.

Here is a front view of kitchen and class room part being framed up. In the left foreground the new fellowship hall will be framed up soon on the cement slab.

View of south side class room extension, not seen in above pics.

View of south side class room extension, not seen in above pics.

New auditorium extension on the west side of our property. It will make our auditorium about 45% longer.  The cross window will be cut into the end wall as it was on the original wall.

New auditorium extension on the west side of our property. It will make our auditorium about 45% longer. The cross window will be cut into the end wall as it was on the original wall.

Happy Thanksgiving from Nancy and myself here in Fort Worth, Texas with our son Ezra and wife Heather and kids (l to R) Noah, Bella, and Luke.

Happy Thanksgiving from Nancy and myself here in Fort Worth, Texas with our son Ezra and wife Heather and kids (l to R) Noah, Bella, and Luke.


I was blessed this morning after a friend of mine, a former fellow Coastie, texted me a Happy Veteran’s Day greeting. With that in mind I want to say Happy Veteran’s Day to all of you veterans of our various branches of the military. Thank you for your service however large or small.

Did you know there are 17.4 million living veterans in the United States? Veteran’s Day was first celebrated on November 11th in 1947 shortly after World War II was over. It was known as Armistice Day then. It has sometimes been confused with Memorial Day in May where we remember those who have fallen in war. But that changed as time went on and Vet’s day became more well known. As I was growing up in the 50’s I really don’t remember anything about the celebration but we should celebrate today in a spirit of thankfulness.

Hal and Jeannie Roberts and Blaine Highfield being surprised as we honored them on Veteran’s Day service at Discovery some years ago. Hal just happened to wear his uniform not knowing we were going to surprise him. Hal parachuted into France on D Da…

Hal and Jeannie Roberts and Blaine Highfield being surprised as we honored them on Veteran’s Day service at Discovery some years ago. Hal just happened to wear his uniform not knowing we were going to surprise him. Hal parachuted into France on D Day and was pinned down by machine gun fire for a week to start with. Blaine flew a fighter plane providing cover for those dropping in and returned to his base with dozens of bullet enemy holes in his plane that day but none near his cockpit PTL. Both men were in our church but neither had met until we surprised them that Sunday. Both of these vets are now with the Lord.

You who are veterans in Gig Harbor will find local restaurants are offering a free meal today such as Applebees etc.. There are free car washes, specials at Home Depo and so on too. Check them out on your phone or computer. Thankyou, vets.

Pastor Mark (A Vet Redeployed)