You may know our Fire Department was planning to burn down our barn building across from our foyer entrance this Saturday.  This was our worship center for ten years after we purchased the property in 1995. We had double morning services here and an evening one too.  The Fire Department was going to burn it for us and use it as a drill. I was a little sad to see it go. 


But when I arrived on Friday things had changed. There was a big crew of guys there remodeling it with new hallways, more interior doors and new rooms too. It was like a house now. Even the windows had shutters on them...sort of.  What happened?


It was a drill. The Fire Department made it into a small house so the firemen could practice as if going from smoke filled room to room to rescue people. Yes, the burn will still happen this Saturday from 9 to 1. This will help us save on demolition costs and help our Fire Department be better prepared. Don't miss it.  Bring the kids and a snack too.


This is like burning our bridges to the past. "We're not going back." The square footage of this old building can now be added to our new construction project. This building alone will equal two large class rooms at least. While I may be a bit nostalgic, I am also excited. We used to say, "Jesus was born in a manger so we don't mind worshiping in a barn." The Word of God can be preached anywhere. The church is not a barn or a building but a people called out by God. Our church body grew in the barn and continued to grow in our new sanctuary and will again in the new enlarged auditorium Lord willing. Come and watch it burn this Saturday (5/5) from 9 to 1 PM. Park across the street and walk over and cheer our firemen on for the work they do. 

Pastor Mark



We got to Seatac early and through security quickly. Nancy and I grabbed breakfast and did some concourse walking before boarding. I looked forward to some time to study on the flight to LA to see our son Ezra and family.

Nancy and I were seated in different areas with no chance of swapping.  After I squeezed into my seat, I greeted the young lady on one side and the Asian man by the window. As I pulled my book out the fellow said something I couldn't understand. He was telling me he had just arrived on a connecting flight from China. He was excited about this first visit to America and seeing friends in California. We visited and soon he showed me a picture of his wife and child, so I showed him our family photo with all 26 grand-kids in it. This really opened the door. He said he wished they could have a large family too; not an easy thing to do with the laws restricting many births there.  

Mr. Suko meets Mr. Yang as we take a selfie.

Mr. Suko meets Mr. Yang as we take a selfie.

He had many questions that I strained to understand over the roar of the engines. He asked about my occupation. I said, "I am a Bible teacher." and he knew that meant I was a pastor. He mentioned that his mother in China had a Bible and had read it often. But he didn't have one. 

"Do you believe Jesus was a myth or a real person?" he asked. I sensed this was an honest question. I responded that Christ was no fable but instead was probably the most well know person in history. There is plenty of evidence for his existence from the Bible, history, and the existence of his church 2,000 years later. He didn't challenge me but went on to say in China people worship money.  "Do they do that in America, too?" "Yes," I responded. He implied he had everything he needed on the outside but there was an emptiness on the inside.  Wow!  What an opportunity tell him of the Good News that could fill that God-shaped hole.

I remembered Philip when on a desert road, he met the Ethiopian official reading Isaiah while on the way to Gaza (Acts 8:26 ff). This is likely how the gospel got to Africa. In a similar way I felt I was placed in the middle seat on a desert road through the sky for such a time as this. So I put my book down and continued to answer his questions knowing the truth might get back to Beijing.

In my bag was copy of the little evangelism booklet we give out, Ultimate Questions. I explained each page briefly as it presented Christ. He knew enough English to understand and was taking it all in. He promised to email me questions after he had translated and studied the book more. I explained that he could buy a Chinese Bible easily while in the U.S. He was amazed. 

We became good friends. Before parting we took a selfie with him holding his passport. Pray he will be able to get a Bible of his own, come to understand salvation and find a church there. China is a place where the church is growing rapidly in the new openness that is now there. Pray for my new friend Mr. Yang from China. ready always to give an answer even on a desert road in the sky.

Pastor Mark


My mind is still dwelling on the miracle of the resurrection even though we celebrated Easter last Sunday. Christ's raising from the dead is the greatest miracle of all history because it was the dead raising the dead. But how can we know if the miracle really happened? In other words what are the proofs of it as we look back 2,000 years? While none of us were there to witness it, here are some simple evidences that have endured.

The Garden Tomb we visited a few years ago is one of two likely tomb sites.  Compare this photo with the painting on my March 29th blog for what it might have looked like 2,000 years ago.

The Garden Tomb we visited a few years ago is one of two likely tomb sites.  Compare this photo with the painting on my March 29th blog for what it might have looked like 2,000 years ago.


  1. The empty tomb: The body now is mysteriously gone. This is the first and most powerful evidence of the resurrection. Virtually everyone in the account confirm it: The angels, the soldiers, the women, the disciples, the Sanhedrin, and Pilate.  

  2. No body was ever found: There were speculations of body snatching but no body was ever found. If it had been found you would expect it would have been clearly heralded.

  3. Many witnesses saw Jesus alive after the resurrection for 40 days; The appearance to the disciples is recorded in all four Gospels. Paul was a great enemy of the Gospel until Christ also met him in Acts 9. Later in I Cor. 15 Paul records the account of those whom Jesus appeared to from Jerusalem to Galilee. One of the appearances was to a group of 500 people. These people continued to speak of this the rest of their lives. 

  4. Witnesses also saw Christ ascend: At the end of the 40 days the disciples also saw Him ascend to heaven as He said He would (Acts 1). This made it clear His earthly ministry was over and the Heavenly one was beginning. He was very much alive to never die again.

  5. The church soon started and continues 2,000 years later: Human organizations rise and fall quickly, but multi-millions of people and churches worldwide gather to remember the resurrection each Easter. It is because the tomb is empty and Christ is alive. If you were in church last Sunday you are another aspect of that proof.   

What should you do if the resurrection is true? Paul made that very clear at the conclusion of 1 Cor. 15 where he gave reasons for why it was so important. He concludes in verse 58,  "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. " That is what the early church did and what we are to continue to do until He comes again. 

This Sunday, April 8, I'll be speaking from Mark 16 about this very topic.

Pastor Mark