Burning church


You may know our Fire Department was planning to burn down our barn building across from our foyer entrance this Saturday.  This was our worship center for ten years after we purchased the property in 1995. We had double morning services here and an evening one too.  The Fire Department was going to burn it for us and use it as a drill. I was a little sad to see it go. 


But when I arrived on Friday things had changed. There was a big crew of guys there remodeling it with new hallways, more interior doors and new rooms too. It was like a house now. Even the windows had shutters on them...sort of.  What happened?


It was a drill. The Fire Department made it into a small house so the firemen could practice as if going from smoke filled room to room to rescue people. Yes, the burn will still happen this Saturday from 9 to 1. This will help us save on demolition costs and help our Fire Department be better prepared. Don't miss it.  Bring the kids and a snack too.


This is like burning our bridges to the past. "We're not going back." The square footage of this old building can now be added to our new construction project. This building alone will equal two large class rooms at least. While I may be a bit nostalgic, I am also excited. We used to say, "Jesus was born in a manger so we don't mind worshiping in a barn." The Word of God can be preached anywhere. The church is not a barn or a building but a people called out by God. Our church body grew in the barn and continued to grow in our new sanctuary and will again in the new enlarged auditorium Lord willing. Come and watch it burn this Saturday (5/5) from 9 to 1 PM. Park across the street and walk over and cheer our firemen on for the work they do. 

Pastor Mark