The book of Revelation tells us God places two "witnesses" on earth who are powerful prophets or lights of the gospel in the terrible time of great tribulation (11:3ff). They will have miraculous powers to defend themselves, change the weather, bring judgment and convince others of Christ. They will do miracles much like Moses and Elijah. But, "When they have finished their testimony..." the Beast overcomes and kills them (11:7). However, they are resurrected and their testimony is a final opportunity for many to repent in those days.

These two witnesses had a three-and-a-half year window of opportunity in history and used it well. When their time was up they could no longer do miracles and were killed. But in God's plan it all worked out for good.

I think of the window of opportunity our church had in 1994 when Caleb and I had our first opportunity to go to Ukraine. The U.S.S.R. had fallen and the door was open for ministry. I had heard many stories of the persecuted church suffering. Should we go and risk it?  Or, should we stay in the comfort of America? 

You know the rest of the story. We went, our eyes were opened, we were humbled, and I sensed a continuing call to "come over here" as Paul did. That resulted in groups of people from Discovery going on mission trips. Then my daughter Rachel felt God's call.  She left her local teaching post and became a missionary 8,000 miles from home...and met her future missionary husband. Caleb also felt the call and followed a few years later.  I continue to make many trips there, meet many pastors, support some, encourage believers and promote that ministry here.

It was a window of opportunity that I am glad we didn't close. The country is one of many in great need. But it is a key place we were led to. Today our two witnessing missionary families are having an impact on pastors, youth, churches, refugees, the war zone, soldiers and many other Ukrainians who have now heard the gospel. We also support the Sagadeyev and Motovilian Ukrainian families as well as the Kaletniks in Moldova.  How long will the window stay open? The recent war casts a shadow but we know God is in control.   

I like windows; they let in light and show you what is out there.  But some homes keep the shades closed. It has been said, "When the window of opportunity appears don't pull down the shade."  The two witnesses used their window of opportunity.  How about you?  What opportunities are coming your way that maybe you are pulling the shades on; sickness, new job, job loss, unexpected guests, new neighbors, cults knocking at your door? Use the opportunity while you have time. Don't pull down the shade. 

This Sunday we'll hear about the open window in Ukraine as Mike and Rachel Gustafson, sent from Discovery, report on that ministry in our service at 10:30.  There will also be an ice cream reception for them at 5:30 at Homestead Park just before our final church softball game.  Go Patriots!


Motivating kids can be frustrating.  I’ve noticed three basic levels of it in the Bible. The first is “Reproof.”  Proverbs 29:15 tells us “The rod and reproof give wisdom.”...  This is corporeal punishment for willful disobedience. It is called negative reinforcement and is the fastest to get results.  “Reward” is the next level and is called positive reinforcement and has longer results.  This can come as praise, encouragement, and material or spiritual rewards (cf. Eph. 6:1-2).  You can watch the full message on this in our Livestream for 7/10/2016.

The highest motivation to instill in children is to obey because it is the

“right” thing to do. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” (Eph. 6:1). It has the longest results. It causes people to give up their lives for others. It is like the love in John 15:13. “"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” It is the altruistic and noble motive that ignores any personal gain. 

There is an obvious natural aspect here that even unbelievers recognize in nature. Obedience to parents is understandable since parents are the life givers.

There is also a spiritual aspect because it is obeying parents “in the Lord.” This is obedience because of love for the Lord and a desire to bring glory to God above all else. This obedience acts not for fear of punishment or personal benefit. It is not self-centered but God centered.

We can use reproof before children can understand words. We can also use rewards as children grow and understand the value of the work ethic.  But ultimately we need to instill in them a love for God that will motivate them to do the right thing. This is the ultimate goal of parenting. 

We don’t want to just raise moral children who do right because of fear of punishment or desire for reward but have no love for God. They may not even be born again.  Moralism is not the answer. We want our children, and ourselves as well, to obey because this is right and honors God. This is what all training must be geared toward.

We don’t need to teach our children how to disobey. They know how. Our children have inherited Adam’s sin nature and are born in spiritual depravity like all of us (cf. Rom. 5). Their greatest need is to come to repentance and faith in Christ so that they can do right from a new heart for the right reason. They can learn this from our examples as we give freely of ourselves to God and others without expectations. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6).

How about you?  Are you motivated for the right reasons?  Let me know what you think.



Seeing the picture below recently reminded me that many are asking how the building expansion plans are going. Will we ever get there?  The Lord has been leading so here is an update from our board. Architectural plans for our building expansion are done and now being reviewed at Pierce County for a building permit. We expect to hear by late summer. Meanwhile we are looking at contractors. You can see these exciting plans, videos and full details at .    

Before demolishing the old office/house/etc. we will store necessary things in a container on sight. Dave Christensen will have a salvage form for those wanting items from the buildings. Then the Sheriff and Fire Dept. will use it for training for about a week. We’ll let you know in case you want to watch the fireworks.  

We’ll announce the Big Gig Dig (Groundbreaking) date so we can pray and celebrate the start of things when we are certain. During construction Harbor Covenant Church, across the road, has graciously allowed us to have services on Sunday afternoons in their fellowship area. We will limit some programs like Sunday School, Awana and our Living Nativity during the building process.  Our church office will work out of homes then.

Our Expanding our Ministry for the Generations to Come (EMGC) giving campaign is doing very well. Our record Thanksgiving offering started it out with about $20,000; then $18,377 more came in after we started the emphasis in February.  We currently have $76,525 in our building fund. On August 1 we will inject another $8,600 from our general fund to the building fund as we have been doing monthly since we paid off our facilities earlier this year. (PTL this is more than we actually expect our loan payment to be for the new project and is about $2000 less per month than we were paying on our old loan.) This will boost the building fund to about $85,000. 

Also, roughly $2,000 per month in two year EMGC commitments (over and above regular giving) to the building project continue to come in. Thanks for your sacrifice to this project.  We expect the project will be about 1.3 million.

We will borrow again from our regional Revolving Fund of the Baptist Network NW. If you wish to invest in the fund you may contact the representative Dave Thompson (Ph: (509) 544-6607, Email: or read about it at .  The RF pays investors 2% for On Demand Notes; 3% for 3 year notes and 4% for 5 year notes. Your investments help build Bible teaching churches like ours. Investment brochures are in the Info. Center.  Dave will also be with us to explain more later this year.

If you didn’t get a chance to make a commitment to the Lord regarding our EMGC two year emphasis you can pick up our informational booklet and commitment card.  It is at the building display on the foyer wall. Remember, it is not equal giving but equal sacrifice that the Lord wants of us.

We expect the building process to take up to six months.  Then we’ll have a new expanded auditorium and foyer and totally new offices, class rooms, rest rooms, nursery, storage space and a fellowship center. This will maximize our site for ministry of the gospel to the Generations to Come.  Keep our board in prayer as we move ahead.  Feel free to ask any questions.

This Sunday we also continue to build up the body of Christ through Bible teaching.  I will be giving a follow-up sermon to Fathers Day dealing with the three means of biblical motivation for children with the right goal in mind.  This actually has a lot of application for adults too. It will answer practical questions I am often asked about discipline and motivation in the family.