This time of year there are a lot of wedding anniversaries. I have noted many Facebook posts reflect this recently. This week Nancy and I celebrated one too. I won't tell you how many but will say we were married in 1969. You can do the math. 

                          Anniversary hike and lunch at the top of Crystal Mountain.

                          Anniversary hike and lunch at the top of Crystal Mountain.

We have not always celebrated in a big way. But, this year we did and took to the mountains, stayed at a nice place in the forest, took the gondola to the top of Crystal Mountain, hiked and ate lunch with a million dollar view at 7,000 feet (The highest restaurant in the state). Then we drove around Mt Rainer clockwise and were awed by God's handiwork in the beauty of nature.  Taking time to remember a wedding anniversary is a good thing for several reasons.

First, we know God does call us to remember important times.  Israel's feasts were given to remember events and Jesus called us to remember the His sacrifice through communion.  So it is logical to remember our marriage vows.  We like to take special time to remember our wedding and the ways God brought us together and has blessed us and shown His mercy and grace to us over the years. It really helps put the Lord at the center of the relationship which He has put together.

Second, it also reminds us of the importance of the "covenant" marriage is. Today marriage has become only a contract between two people that can easily be dissolved through "no fault divorce." More and more people don't even see marriage as an option so they just live together. Cohabitation rates are up for young and old. Long term negative repercussions for the family come from this.  

But God reminds us marriage is His idea (cf. Gen. 2:24) and is a covenant between three people; the third being God Himself. For example, the Lord chastised Israel for divorcing their wives and taking foreign ones. "Yet you say, 'For what reason?' Because the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant."  (Mal. 2:14).  Taking time to reflect on God's hand in our relationships is healthy and strengthening thing.

Third, marriage really is a picture of Christ and the church (cf. Eph. 5). This is a "mystery" revealed in Christ that is often missed. Every aspect of how we live our lives together speaks to the world about God's great love for the church.  Marriage will end in this life but it will also have an eternal impact on others here. So let us enjoy and make our marriages reflect that for the glory of God. 

Pastor Mark


We just finished a great week of Vacation Bible School on a fun farm theme.  Many new faces and lots of kids poured in all week to learn about "growing" with our great God.  I think it was

probably one of the best VBS's we have had.  The closing program was packed with parents and kids and was followed by a farm fresh hot dog roast with plenty of dairy delicious ice cream.

This weekend (June 26) at 9:15 only we have Col. Tom Hoyle (USAFR) with us for a special patriotic

presentation on "God & Country."  It is a media presentation on America's godly roots. This is something Americans old and young need to be aware of in these troubled days for our country. Dr. Hoyle, a popular speaker in the NW, will speak during the 9:15 hour only. His presentation will also be Livestreamed in real time but not recorded for later viewing due to copyrighted material.  So come or tune into our LIvestream at 9:15.  All the upper level and adult classes will be meeting.  

Chris Rogers will be speaking during our 10:30 worship time from John 17.  See you there.

Pastor Mark  


“You look just like Emil!” the elderly lady exclaimed. I saw her at a family gathering this spring. She was a friend of my parents. I had not seen her in forty  years. Later she came to me and repeated her comment several more times. I took it as a complement. While my father Emil and I had different hair and skin color as well as different sun exposures (Pastor vs. Wheat Farmer), yet the resemblance was clear nearly a half century later. My old friend clearly made the connection. Apples don't fall far from the tree.

                                 Three generations: Myself (Mark) and my son Joshua along…

                                 Three generations: Myself (Mark) and my son Joshua along with my father Emil on the ranch in the 1970's.

Today studies of DNA have made it possible to determine lineage in ways we never imagined. I recently found out I was 31% Irish. That explains a lot of things.  

What is really interesting is that in the 90’s a team of geneticists began studying a tiny marker on the Y chromosome (That's DNA stuff). Eventual they found this marker in 16 different populations across Asia to the Caspian Sea.  A full 8% carried the marker. In fact it originated from Mongolia 800 years ago.  Eventually they traced it to Genghis Khan himself. Don’t ask me how. The amazing thing is that the Great Khan has 16,000,000 living relatives (That's not a misprint).  And I thought I had a big family!

Now Genghis Khan is not the nicest father in history. He is known for establishing the Mongol Empire by raping and pillaging across Eurasia and slaughtering entire populations.

It is amazing how we resemble our fathers. Fathers Day is a good time to remember that even the best of our earthly fathers were affected by sin. Some of our fathers were notorious abusive.  Some actually were relatively good fathers, by God’s grace.  But, DNA reminds us that we inherited the sin nature from our father Adam.  Apples do not fall far from the tree.

On the other hand we must be thankful for God's sovereign placement of each of us in a human family for His purposes. Even if you belong to Genghis Khan there is hope.  So honor your earthly father.

The Gospels tell us God gave the right to become children of God to all who in faith trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:12). From there we move forward.

Our heavenly Father is the ultimate example of fatherhood. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! …” (1 John 3:1a). We’ll find out more about God the Father as our ultimate example this Sunday for Fathers Day.

Join us for Dad's Day breakfast at 9:15 and then worship at 10:30. Or watch online in our LIvestream at  See our church calendar for all events.