We just finished a great week of Vacation Bible School on a fun farm theme.  Many new faces and lots of kids poured in all week to learn about "growing" with our great God.  I think it was

probably one of the best VBS's we have had.  The closing program was packed with parents and kids and was followed by a farm fresh hot dog roast with plenty of dairy delicious ice cream.

This weekend (June 26) at 9:15 only we have Col. Tom Hoyle (USAFR) with us for a special patriotic

presentation on "God & Country."  It is a media presentation on America's godly roots. This is something Americans old and young need to be aware of in these troubled days for our country. Dr. Hoyle, a popular speaker in the NW, will speak during the 9:15 hour only. His presentation will also be Livestreamed in real time but not recorded for later viewing due to copyrighted material.  So come or tune into our LIvestream at 9:15.  All the upper level and adult classes will be meeting.  

Chris Rogers will be speaking during our 10:30 worship time from John 17.  See you there.

Pastor Mark