worship in the Spirit


Last Sunday everyone stayed home and our team broadcast the service on Livestream. It worked well and over 250 clicked to watch. Many clicks were likely several people indicating a lot of folks watched. This week the quarantine continues so we’ll worship again this Sunday on Livestream. Simply go to our main website www.discoverybaptist.org and click on Worship Service. There are links on the home page also for the following—Adult Sunday School, Ladies Bible Study, and Men’s Discipleship; details are there about the day/time to click in.

Being in quarantine may be strange for us but is necessary and biblical. The first isolation order in human history is in Leviticus 13 where God told Moses to deal with leprosy, a serious skin infection. Confinements of seven days were ordered to prevent further spreading. It is a good thing and a God thing.

I’ve been checking in with our flock, SALT leaders, families, and as chaplain checking on firemen at area stations. They are receiving calls from folks who have concerns. The firemen check them out, but, most do not go to the hospital.

When it comes to Sunday worship or bible studies, It is not the same watching Livestream or TV because we are not in the physical presence of God’s people to encourage each other (cf. Heb. 12:24-25). I always come away from being physically present at live worship or group bible studies with feeling blessed. But in some cases, we don’t have a choice. God can bless that solo solitude too because He is always there with us.

Remember the apostle John who said, he “was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet…” (Rev. 1:9-10) 

Historians tell us John was banished to Patmos by persecutors who unsuccessfully tried to boil him in oil during a time of violent persecution in the early church. Patmos is a small and forsaken rocky isle about the size of Vashon and located in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey. It was no resort but a gloomy prison worse than Alcatraz. John may have been in a lonely cold cave most of time.  

The island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea area where the apostle John was banished during persecution for preaching the Word of God.

The island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea area where the apostle John was banished during persecution for preaching the Word of God.

He was “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.” “Lord’s Day” was the name given for the first day of the week after Christ was resurrected. Later it became known as Sunday. Old John was on this lonely pile of rocks during these last days of his life. But he was not depressed, discouraged, disheartened, or down in the dumps. He was “in the Spirit.”  Wow! He was worshiping the Lord as the Spirit of God comforted him.  

Note John was not in bed that Lord’s Day morning. He was not in front of the TV, pursuing personal pleasures, or just plain checked out. He was “in the Spirit” in one of the most forsaken places on earth. In this context Christ appeared to him and gave him the most riveting book of the New Testament, the book of Revelation.

We may be vexed by the virus and confined to our quarters, but the Spirit of God is here with us on the Lord’s day. But are we with Him? After all, worship is the subject of the first commandment. Watch Livestream and worship even though we are separated. The Lord will lift up our spirits and bring great glory to Him which should result in joy to our hearts.

If you think it is difficult to quarantine 350 million people here, then try India where they are starting that now. They have 1.4 billion people or about four times U.S. population in one third the space. More of them may die from starvation than the virus. Pray for our contacts there attempting to reach people in Hinduism which has 330 million gods. I was once there and counted a few of them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS and NEWS   So far this week I have received communications from…

  • A Christian school director in Bethlehem, Israel emailed thanks for my blog on the virus in light of Moses and the fiery serpents.

  • Our flock is staying home and so far all are fine. SALT leaders are keeping touch with their groups and others around them.

  • Our Moldovan pastor Vasiliy Kaletnik says they are fine but people could be fined up to $4,000 for being on the street (Average income is $300 USD per month).

  • A friend in S. Chili reported they are having services in homes until the virus passes.

  • My son Caleb in Ukraine reports this a special time of outreach while borders are closed.

  • The Gustafsons report being fully supported but stuck in NY until borders open again to Ukraine.

  • Our Middle East contact is in hospital with kidney stones. Pray.

  • Men’s Discipleship study will now increase to twice a month (1st & 3rd Saturdays 8 AM) using new Zoom for discussion via internet. Pastor Mark will be leading us in 2 Timothy. Go to the church home page www.discoverybaptist.org and find the event you want to click on.

  • Note that classes for ages under 18 are NOT public links and only visible to signed in Community members. Only the adult classes are listed on the main website.

  • Weekly e-Bulletin can be viewed from the home page of either of our websites.

  • Giving to God's Work is appreciated as we navigate this unique season of isolation. Give by mail or secure online giving at discoverybaptist.org/give. Thank you for your part in what God’s work at Discovery.