
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHURCH: Reflections of a Light Keeper


Today, September the 7th, 2020 is the 40th anniversary of Discovery Baptist Church. Therefore, Nancy and I would like to wish a happy birthday to all of you who are or have been a part of or interested in it. Thanks for praying, serving, and giving over the years.

The picture above at the old Arletta School is of our launch team that first Sunday made up of seminary students Jon & Dee Mitchell, Marshall & Beth Davis, Mark & Beverly Langford, Rumi Juhasz, and Dave & Donna Brown. Other guests in the picture that Sunday are cousin Cindy Crooks, Larry, Kathy & Judy Gillette, Bob Ballard, Chuck & Pat Roark, and Jim & Ruth Witsmeer. Not shown are relatives Bill & Bobbie Crooks, Esther Rogers, and Dar and Viola Swanson.

We will actually celebrate this 40th anniversary in a big way following the completion of our current building expansion project which we expect to be in February 2021. So stay tuned and remember what Jesus said before the first church was born….

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” (Matthew 16:18)

Hope to see many of you next Sunday for my retirement/redeployment service as Chris Rogers becomes our senior pastor. See you Sept. 13th at 2:30 p.m. for the service and fellowship time following all on the green at Harborview Fellowship 4819 Hunt St., Gig Harbor. Bring a lawn chairs.

Pastor Mark