

One question I was frequently asked while in Ukraine recently was, "What do you think about the election?" I wondered if there was something going on there which I was unaware of. But, they were referring to our own presidential election. I thought in Kiev I had escaped all that.

The Motherland Statue in Ukraine was built just prior to the fall of the U.S.S.R.  Note the hammer and sickle on her shield. 

The Motherland Statue in Ukraine was built just prior to the fall of the U.S.S.R.  Note the hammer and sickle on her shield. 

Ukrainians are understandably concerned about our election because it could have a significant impact on their war torn country. They are aware of the failure of the current administration in honor protection treaties when invaded. They were also aware of Donald Trumps statements and his connection with Vladimir Putin. 

My usual answer was that it was perhaps the most difficult election cycle I had ever seen.  Most of us expected Mrs.. Clinton to be a candidate but few expected Mr. Trump to become the Republican nominee.  Both candidates had negatives that seemed to clearly outweigh their positives.  I said that Christians were in a quandary as to what to do or who to vote for. I usually pointed out that these may be signs of the times of the nearing of Christ's return.  He did warn about such troubled times. 

We are on the eve of an unprecedented election. We must look to Scripture for direction and be in much prayer as this election happens.  Pray for our country.  Things can change quickly like they did in Kiev.  The great Motherland Statue pictured here reminds me of our Statue of Liberty.  Communism built it as an emblem of the U.S.S.R..  But, a few years later the whole country fell apart. Some today want it demolished. The "eternal flame" at the war memorial near by now is only lit on special occasions now due to the cost of gas. Who knows what the future holds for them or us?  

Pray for the candidates and for God to be glorified in it all as He continues to be our ultimate King.  Pray for the church as we continue to be a light on a hill that won't go out.

For a little more insight on this I suggest you listen to Dr. Al Mohler's commentary from a Christian perspective for today on the matter of the election.  Click on http://www.albertmohler.com/ and then on The Briefing 11-07-16 for Monday. 

Pastor Mark