

Having just met our first great-grandchild, Pippa, in South Chile, I thought it good to post a note from our grandson-in-law, Jorge Whitaker Paris, who wrote about his wife since they are now new parents. Jorge writes as follows.

“In this time that we’ve been getting used to the beautiful role of fatherhood and motherhood, I have had the chance to see Naomi’s invaluable work as a mother and housewife. I have always admired the work of mothers, but from a theoretical perspective; now I see it in my own home and greatly admire how our daughter grows healthily and well cared-for thanks to the dedication and diligence of my beloved Naomi. I try to help any moment that I can, but I come home from work late and exhausted, so I haven’t been able to participate in everything as much as I’d like. My beloved companion does the majority of this work. Before, I used to think that I would be disgusted by changing dirty diapers or washing pooped clothes, but interestingly the opposite has occurred. I take advantage of every chance I have to change Pippa’s diapers and I love doing it, especially because I see the gaze of trust and affection that this small delicate creature has for me. Fatherhood is by far one of the most beautiful experiences in life, and I desire more free time to share this wonderful work with my Naomi, and to enjoy all the beauty of being a father. I’d like to reflect on something as well as confess. About three or fours years ago there was a trend of laughing at the expression of “being the father and mother at the same time”, and I also made jokes on the topic. But since then, having seen the sacrificial work of fatherhood/motherhood, I can do no less than feel indignation and repudiation for those men that, for egotistical reasons, abandon their families or leave their spouses alone to care for the children. The thought of all those women who alone must carry bags, backpacks, and strollers to take their children to checkups, taking the bus alone with their babies, or during those hard nights taking care of a sick child, meanwhile the father is so obviously absent or haggles every cent meant for child support because he needs to drink his pack of beer on the weekend or go out to the movies with his new love interest. Almost every time that we’ve had to take Pippa to her checkups at the clinic, waiting a long time for the bus on the side of the highway, I have been able to get permission in order to accompany Naomi. I have respect for the women who do all this alone and with less resources. It is true that today motherhood and fatherhood are in a serious crisis, which manifests itself in the crisis of values and principles which we see in our current society; and so with even greater reason I admire those women who fight every day, alone and with many unmet needs, to help their children succeed and raise them in the best way they can. I also admire the fathers who take responsibility and are true companions in caring for home and children. On the other hand, my complete contempt for those men and women who abandon their roles as father and mother for selfish motives and create a crueler and more egocentric society. It’s a shame that these latter fathers and mothers are multiplying by the minute, only sowing more societal problems which we must deal with tomorrow. I thank the Lord for my beloved Naomi, who does such delicate and diligent work in the care of our family and home. “ 

Jorge, Naomi and little Pippa (Philippa Jane Whitaker Suko is the proper name) reside in southern Chile near the town of Panguipulli.

Jorge, Naomi and little Pippa (Philippa Jane Whitaker Suko is the proper name) reside in southern Chile near the town of Panguipulli.

Thanks Jorge for your honest and accurate assessment of where parenthood has gone today and for the new love you found for it…even loving changing dirty diapers. That is amazing. “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Pro 31:30

(See my March 26th blog Chilling in Warm Chile for more details on Jorge and Naomi’s home in Chile.)

Don’t Forget Mothers Day Sunday May 12th is Mothers Day. Celebrate with us as we have a special Mothers Fellowship Breakfast at 9:30 and worship service at 10:30. Bring your Mom or someone who is like a Mother to you.