Recently I was thinking about an Easter service that was likely our first one many years ago. That morning our little band went to a beach somewhere on Fox Island. There at water’s edge the sun rose in glorious brilliance for our time of worship. It was a great memory of fellowship, worship, and rejoicing because of Christ’s resurrection.
Ancient wall of Jerusalem with many tombs outside the wall awaiting resurrection. Up to 150,000 are buried in the area. -by MS taken on location in 2011.
With Easter we also must reflect on the pain that Jesus endured earlier. After the Passover Feast with the twelve Jesus soon was arrested and whisked away for series of six trials. They were illegal because they were all at night. The first three were before Annas (Jn. 18), then Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin (Mk. 14), and finally before just the Sanhedrin (Mk. 15). At about this time Judas, one of the twelve, committed suicide. All of this must have been a terrible drain on Jesus. The last three trials were before Pilate (Jn. 18), then Herod Antipas (Lu. 23), and finally before Pilate again (Matt. 27). It was a dark night for Jesus. But that was just the beginning.
Pilate then scourged Jesus and he was given a crown of thorns (Jn. 19). He hoped to release him but the people cried “Crucify, crucify Him!.” It was about six in the morning now.
Next Jesus was mocked and led to Golgotha where he was nailed on a cross. He languished in physical and emotional pain there about six hours and died. A few followers then took his body away and prepared it for the tomb.
Golgotha where it is thought Christ died on the cross on top of the hill. Note the holes in the rock face liking like a scull.
But the grief of Christ’s death was wiped away by the joy of his resurrection on Sunday morning. What a glorious moment for rejoicing that was and still continues to be. He paid the price for our redemption and changed history and the calendar too. We have an eternal hope.
David Gunn of RBP wrote, “This life is transient, and someday it will surely end. But that is no cause for fear. Death is not the end. Springtime will come again. The resurrection of Christ portends our resurrection too. Because He triumphed over death, the portal to life everlasting—an eternal springtime—has been opened.” He is risen!
Near Golgotha an ancient tomb where Christ likely was laid. Here the women came early in the morning and found it gloriously empty and Chris standing nearby.
He is risen!
Pastor Mark (Redeployed)
Good Friday - Everyone is welcome to join us this Friday at 6:30 for a special Good Friday service at the Helland Home (12976 Gopher Hill PL SE, Olalla, 98359).
We plan to meet indoors, but if it's sunny and not unbearably cold, we will meet out back. Please bring your own chair if the sun is shining brightly.
Thank you for coming with hearts prepared for communion. May Christ be lifted up as we lovingly worship Him throughout this Passion Week.
Easter Sunday - We’ll celebrate his resurrection at 2:30 as usual at Harborview Fellowship. Our new building is going up fast and very soon we hope to be back in it for our first service. Thanks for praying.