

Have you had moments of panic like maybe your first day of school, your first date, going to the dentist or visiting your doctor? I’ve had those and some more intense ones in the military and ministry too. The current Corvid scare has affected most of us and some with much fear. Lately the Russian buildup of troops near the border of Ukraine is certainly a frightening one also. Will there be another war? Will it start today?

We have all had moments of what I call “Titanic Panic”. You get my drift. Some turn to alcohol, drugs or worse. Others even end their lives in hopes that will solve it. But it will not and likely will lead to even deeper griefs.

The verses in Philippians 4 God put there to calm us in times like theses. Our men will be studying those Saturday Feb. 5th at Men’s & Boys Discipleship 8-9:30 am. We meet in the new church foyer. A great breakfast awaits so be early so there is no Titanic Panic.:-)

Our focus will be on Spiritual Stability from Philippians 4:1-9. Christians have found it key in calming us in many ways. Can’t make it? Then watch online starting at about 8:30 after breakfast. See the white LIVESTREAM button on the church website at

Pastor Mark