

For the next few months I am going to have a kind of "other wife." Read more and find out what why. 

Martin Luther was a Catholic monk who rediscovered the truth that salvation by faith alone in Christ alone. This sparked the Great Reformation in 1517 which we are celebrating this year.

Luther eventually left the church resulting in the Protestant Reformation. Catholic nuns also eventually left the church and were married to former priests. Luther married a former nun named Katie von Bora. They had a family and lived a happy life together. 

Martin Luther and his wife Katie von Bora

Martin Luther and his wife Katie von Bora

But, Luther had a second wife in the form of the New Testament book of the Galatians that was written by Paul to the churches of Galatia.  Luther said, “The Epistle to the Galatians is my own epistle. I have betrothed myself to it.  It is my Katie von Bora.”

Galatians was like a wife to him because he spent so much time in it. But it instructed him on the critical importance of a right understanding of the Gospel. He eventually wrote a commentary on it. Galatians was the key book of the Reformation because it warned of man's tendency to go back to a works plus faith salvation rather than God's simple plan of faith alone in Christ alone. 

Recently several well dressed young men with ties on walked up our lane. They asked if I had read the book of Mormon. I told them of the Gospel that Galatians reveals. Their gospel and the one in Galatians may have similarities but they are drastically different if you look closely.

The Great Reformation is past but every generation needs a reformation because it is so easy to go astray. The book of Galatians will help us stay on track.

Starting this Sunday I will begin a series on Galatians as Pastor Chris takes a break. I'll conclude before the actual 500th anniversary of the reformation (October 31, 1517). That means I need to spend a lot of time studying Galatians. It will be a kind of second wife, but, don't worry, it will not replace my beloved Nancy.  I'll be just feet away from her kitchen kisses. Join us Sunday for the introduction to Galatian and "Only One Gospel."  

Twice Alive,

Pastor Mark