Family mothers


Mother’s Day is a big event at our home. We eulogize Mom, eat her favorite foods, and shower her with flowers. However, it is time to tell you of many mothers.

Eve is my first mother. I believe Eve was a real person made in God’s image as Genesis indicates. She was perfect and the most gorgeous Miss Universe ever. But Satan tempted her and then she led her husband into sin resulting in a God’s curse on Satan and the world. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." (Gen. 3:15). God was saying Satan’s seed, those who followed him, would bruise Eve’s seed on the heal, not a life-threatening blow. But her seed would bruise Satan’s on the head which is a death blow.

When Cain was born Eve said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord” (Genesis 4:1). Luther and others say she may have been thinking Cain was the promised Seed that would crush Satan’s head. But that was not the case yet. The Seed would be Jesus whom Satan opposed. But Christ triumphed over him at the Cross and in the Resurrection so that all who repent and believe in Jesus may be forgiven and saved from eternal damnation.

Eve truly was “the mother of all the living.” (Gen. 3:20b) and had “other sons and daughters.” (Gen. 5:4). Let trace that out. I am thankful for the life she gave all of us and the warning her life gives of the long reaching effects of sin.

Another mother was my grandmother Anna Maria (Widmer) Suko. She was born in war torn Bessarabia (now Ukraine), married my grandfather, and immigrated to America in 1902 to homestead near what would be Warden, WA. I grew up in the ranch house they built as did three generations of us. She was a hardworking mother of eleven children; driving a horse drawn wheat wagon twenty miles while she was fully pregnant. Everyone called her “Grossmama” (German for grandmother). I may have been her favorite grandchild since I was among the last born, saw her frequently, and our birthdays were a day on either side of Christmas. She taught me my first prayer (in German). I recall her old German Bible and knew she had faith in God by how she lived. She also helped give me a good work ethic early in life. She died when I was ten, but I still miss and think of her.

My third mother was my grandmother on my mother’s side. My grandfather and she homesteaded near Nepel (what is now Moses Lake) and raised seven girls. For reasons unknown she left grandfather and spent her remaining years in Seattle. Her contribution to my life was that she was a woman of prayer and often talked about it. Whatever happened earlier I think drove her to prayer and faith in Christ. Nancy and I had the blessing of visiting her the final time before she died in Seattle.

My grandmother Olive on left and Anna Maria on right with my nephew Mike.

My grandmother Olive on left and Anna Maria on right with my nephew Mike.

My birth mother was Victoria (Penhallick) Suko. She was a huge blessing to me. She raised my brother and me on the farm and was a warm and affectionate mother. She was also a good writer which is probably why I am doing this blog. My parents took me to church often and laid a foundation in Bible truth. Her life was shortened by a brain tumor while I was in grade school. This caused her to seek God’s healing. Because of that I eventually heard the Gospel clearly, repented, and was born again. The 8 years that followed were hard as she was unable to speak or do anything at all for herself. The Lord used her illness to eventually lead me into the ministry. I look forward to seeing her in the Kingdom.

My mother Victoria (Pennhallick) Suko

My mother Victoria (Pennhallick) Suko

As you may have guessed my Nancy is the next mother on my mind. She came into my life while my own mother was failing. I am so thankful for her and our nearly 51 years of marriage. I cannot say enough for her impact on me and our eight children and our twenty-eight grandchildren and one great; two more are due in June. May I add Nancy also gave birth to our son Ezra on Mothers Day 1981. What a gift! She has been my constant companion, cook, spell checker, bill payer, bookkeeper, helper in ministry, lawn mower, encouragement, and the absolute love of my life.

Back L to R: Ruth, Hannah, Nehemiah, Elijah (youngest), Ezra, Joshua (Oldest), Caleb Rachel.Front: Nancy and me.

Back L to R: Ruth, Hannah, Nehemiah, Elijah (youngest), Ezra, Joshua (Oldest), Caleb Rachel.

Front: Nancy and me.

I salute also my three sweet daughters Rachel, Hannah, and Ruth as well as my four wonderful daughters-in-law Kirsten, Christina, Heather, and Kristi and my precious grandaugher Naomi who all are raising another generation that will fill the earth with the image of God. I pray for them often since they are now all raising families which is hard work but has eternal rewards. God bless you all.

It’s true I could talk of other mothers I have but I have gone on too long already. May I simply say, Happy Mother’s Day.  

Pastor Mark

Note: No Sunday School Sunday Mothers Day