Easter and resurrection


The Resurrection of Christ is considered the key event of all human history. Nothing else even comes close to matching it. Without it Christianity would not be worth the paper the Bible is printed on. Also the four gospels would not have been written because who would want to waste the time to write them and collaborate to try to make them match? Fishermen are not known for being writers anyway. The remainder of the New Testament epistles and prophetic books like Revelation would not have been written either. Furthermore, all the massive number of miracles Christ did during his life certainly couldn’t be considered real either.  

If the Resurrection never happened, then would the apostles have been willing to go to the ends of the earth for the remainder of their lives and die for a lie? Doubting Thomas was slow to believe and an unlikely candidate for missions. Tradition says after the Resurrection he believed and went to India to preach Christ and die there. If you go there today you can see his tomb which is mute testimony to the resurrection and the ministry he had among the people that lives on today. When we visited India in 2013 we were invited to dinner at the home of young Indian Christian family named Thomas so asked about the connection. The father said there are many named Thomas there because of the Apostle Thomas. So, we can say without doubt we had dinner at the house of Thomas. Can you believe that?

If the Resurrection were not real then the Bible would not be the all time best seller of all history. Any book that does outsell it does so for only very short number of days and then the Bible is right back on top again. I read that if the Bible is not at the top of best seller list that usually means they left it off so others can claim to be first with the understanding the Bible is really in that position.

If the Resurrection were not reality, there would be no way to explain the thousands of churches around the world. Consider also how could Christianity still be in existence and growing after two thousand years if the Resurrection was a hoax.

The Apostle Paul, once a murderous enemy of Christians, had His life changed by the resurrected Christ. Later he made a masterful defense of the Resurrection in First Corinthians 15 and the impact it makes on true believers. Resurrection Day read that chapter at dinner and give thanks for the hope believers have.

The Empty Tomb oil painting by Ezra Suko.

The Empty Tomb oil painting by Ezra Suko.

If the Resurrection were a hoax, then we would have no hope of a believer’s resurrection to eternal life because Christ’s resurrection is the guarantee of ours as believers. Paul said “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.” (1 Th 4:13).  But if we do believe in Christ alone who was resurrected as our only means of forgiveness and salvation then we have that promise of resurrection life too. Resurrection is part of the Gospel of Christ as clearly stated in I Cor 15:1-4. It is also clear in Rom 10:9 where it says, “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” 

Do you believe in the wonderful Resurrection of Christ? If you have questions let me know or email me at msuko@discoverybaptist.org.

Pastor Mark

P.S. Join us Sunday at 10:30 for Resurrection Day Worship and my message entitled Slow to Believe.  It will be on Livestream at our website and can be viewed any time later. Or click below.

Inside the Garden Tomb thought to be the place where Christ actually was buried and resurrected. Note the stone shelf/box where bodies would be laid. This tomb was discovered in 1867. I took this picture while touring the tomb and garden. -MS

Inside the Garden Tomb thought to be the place where Christ actually was buried and resurrected. Note the stone shelf/box where bodies would be laid. This tomb was discovered in 1867. I took this picture while touring the tomb and garden. -MS