Church expansion


There is a big event this weekend and it is not the Fourth of July. Independence Day is big. My wife Nancy is a relative of one of the original Minutemen of Concord who helped bring in our Independence. 


The really big event this weekend is the Fifth of July at Discovery. No joke! It is our Ground Breaking Celebration at 10:30. This will be a historic moment at Discovery. Years of praying, planning, and providing (sacrificial giving) have gone into it. The Lord blessed and we are ready to start our final building expansion to maximize our property to within one square foot by code.

In our first building project in 2005 we built our current auditorium and renovated the existing butcher’s shop into our current foyer area. It gave us a nice area for ministry.  But this Sunday July 5th will be more exciting as we break ground to expand our worship center, foyer, and build new classrooms, offices, and a multipurpose hall.

DBC Ground Breaking service 2005.  The Big Gig Dig.

DBC Ground Breaking service 2005. The Big Gig Dig.

Floor pour for what is our current auditorium with entrance and Cry Room window cut out of the butcher shop building.  2005

Floor pour for what is our current auditorium with entrance and Cry Room window cut out of the butcher shop building. 2005

4-14-05 (1a).JPG

Our service will be at 10:30 on the patio. For those concerned about distancing they can park and watch from their car or at home on Livestream. It will be a beautiful day and a great time of fellowship. Bring your own chairs, stools, and sack lunch for the picnic on the lawn.

Sunday is also Mike & Rachel Gustafson's last Sunday before returning July 8th to Ukraine for another 4 years of mission ministry. It will be a good time to greet them.

Our focus will not be only on the "building" but the true church, the body of believers, which Christ is building. This is the meaning of the Greek word "church" (a gathered together group). Jesus said, “I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." (Mat. 16:18b). This is “the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth." (I Timothy 3:15b).

See you Sunday July 5th at 10:30.

-Pastor Mark