When it comes to special holidays is it Christmas or Easter? You guessed it, Christmas is tops as far as spending goes with about $942 billion US dollars spent in 2022. That is a lot to spend on a birthday of a little baby that few saw or knew about in the beginning.

But what about Easter? That should be a big one full of easter eggs, new clothes, cholate and much more. But Easter does not do so well in the market place. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend only $24 billion dollars on Easter. Do the math. That means Christmas gets 39.25 times more money spent on it that on Easter.

But in reality which event is more important? Obviously both are important in God’s grand plan of salvation. Clearly Easter should be the big one. Why? Because of what Christ Himself did by going to the cross and suffering a humiliating death to pay for the sins of all who repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ alone as their Savior.

What took place on Christmas was known by only Joseph, Mary, a few shepherds and later the Magi. It was a hidden event in many ways for a long time. It is interesting that only the gospels Matthew and Luke give the story of the birth of Christ. But all four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give the account of the death and resurrection of Christ. This tells us the resurrection is far more important to the whole story and the purpose of Christ coming.

But what took place on Easter was the public humiliation of God Himself on the cross where He shed his blood literally in our place. What willing humiliation that was. Yet many people turn away from that incredible gift that paid for our sins. Then….the big one that follows that humiliation was THE RESURRECTION on Sunday morning. That was the miracle of all miracles. All the miracles Christ did in his short ministry pointed toward that very special one. It is the proof He was God in the flesh and had come to save those who turn to Him.

“And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God….For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” Hebrews 10:11-12, 14

Have a blessed Easter.

Pastor Mark


Good Friday Service, 6:30 PM - Come with hearts prepared for a time of reflection on the suffering of Christ and Communion. Can’t come? then watch online at Click the Livestream button.

All-Church Sunday Brunch, 9:45 AM – Everyone welcome! Please bring 1-2 hot or cold dishes (enough to feed your family plus a few guests). Drop them off at the kitchen, and remember to pick them up afterward. When we conclude the brunch at 11:00 AM, all hands welcome with the clean up as we quickly reset the gym for overflow seating. 

Resurrection Sunday, 8:45 AM and 11:15 AM – We can hardly wait to celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death this Sunday! We anticipate FULL SERVICES. If you attend the first service and brunch fellowship, please consider departing by 11:00 AM to make room for 11:15 service attendees. Please also park carefully so we can utilize all spaces. Street parking welcome on our side of the street, but do not park on the Harbor Covenant Church side. 

Can’t come? Then watch online at Click the Livestream button.