These frontline Ukrainian soldiers Caleb, Mike, and I had the privilege of ministering to at a forward operating base in Eastern Ukraine during Russia’s intrusion in 2014. Caleb will be going here again soon to do ministry to encourage people.

What’s the latest on the possibility of war in Ukraine? Is Russia ready to attack. Since my last blog on this a week ago we’ve been in touch with family. Mike & Rachel’s family has gone to Hungary to wait and see. ABWE has an office there with guest rooms and a car to use. Mike works remotely there for a month or so.

Caleb and family will stay in Ukraine for now where he is also leading a new church plant. His kids are older so easier to pack up if war breaks out. Below are two short videos where Caleb was interview by a British online program and second by podcast in the US. Look at each and you will have a good idea of what is happening.

This situation is close to my heart since my grandparents immigrated from Ukraine to America in 1902. They were Germans who had lived there for most of a century until the West became open. My grandmother told me as a child about many wars there. However she was glad to be in America her “new home”. Things have changed so keep praying for Ukraine, Russia, and America too.

Pastor Mark