What is going on in Ukraine (UA)? The phone has been ringing a lot recently because many of you are concerned about our families and associates in Ukraine. “Are they okay?” “Will Russia attack and if so when or why?” Those are good questions. Here is what we know.

Russia has recently placed over 120,000 troops and weapons near the northern boarder of UA. Vladimir Putin says it is for military exercises. Ukrainians disagree. Since the fall of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1991 Vladimir Putin rose to power and now wants UA back. Why? Here are some reasons.

UA was the largest of the former Soviet satellite states. The name “Ukraine” is ancient and thought to mean “border land.” It may refer to the border territories of Kyivan Rus. It was also called the “Bread Basket of the Soviet Union” because of the rich soil. It is a rich land for growing corn, potatoes, grapes, and especially sun flowers. The Ukrainian flag represents this with yellow stripe symbolizing rich grain fields the blue stripe pointing to the clear blue skies. Here my grandfathers once lived and farmed. Much of UA is flat and easy to farm. I was amazed the first time I saw it (1994). It was so rich that in the 1930’s the crops were stolen from them creating a famine there. The crops were take to Russia in the north. This is one reason Putin might be interested again.

Another reasons is that it has a major sea port of Odessa in the south. It has room for cruise ships, cargo ships, and navy vessels. Russia would love to have this handy port back for popular reasons. The beaches are also a nice vacation spot in the summer.

Probably the main reason for wanting it back is because UA is considered the birth place of Russia. The Russian Orthodox church began in Kiev, the capitol, a thousand years ago. It’s cone shaped domes and ornate buildings are unique. During the Soviet period many were destroyed or damaged because of an atheistic government policy. Since the fall of the USSR in 1991 these churches were opened again.

Initially Kiev was the “capitol” of Russia. Eventually it was moved and Moscow became the capitol of the Soviet state in 1917. Many believe Vladimir Putin would like to have Kiev and all Ukraine back again.

This is also why Russia retook the Crimea in the south in early 2014. This small bit of land on the Black Sea was a good place to dock ships and vacation too. Later that year Russia also invaded the Donbas region to the east. Ukrainian soldiers are stationed in trenches in that area and to this day exchange fire.

Since then the US and other nations helped beef up their military to resist further attacks. This is because UA is a sovereign nation and wants to be democratic. This has been a long struggle. But, now there are many churches that preach the gospel, although more are always needed. That is why we first went there in 1994.

Will President Putin attack Ukraine now in the north also? The large build up of Russian troop suggests “yes.” They have invaded other areas so why not again. If they did invade it is likely they would go for the capitol of Kiev so they could put their own man in government.

The Ukrainian army is no match for Russia’s much larger group. But we know the UA army is much more able than before plus citizen groups are also training daily to resist an attack. The US has flown in two large shipments of weapons in the past few days. US troops are also ready to be deployed in surrounding friendly countries. It could happen any time. However, Russia will likely wait until the Olympic games are over in late March so as not to upset the Olympics which they have much invested in. If so that also allows UA to further fortify and prepare itself.

The famous Motherland statue in Kyiv, Ukraine.

For us and our people in ministry there this means PRAY for peace. Our missionaries from Discovery have contingency plans but it is hard to know when to activate them. They all know where the bomb shelters are. We have set up a family communication system so we can keep in touch. Currently life is normal except for stocking up a bit. They have been through this before. The US Embassy in Kyiv is evacuating non-essential personal. Yesterday they notified other Americans in country to be prepared to leave before action starts because planes, trains, and other means of transportation may be overwhelmed or closed down. So our children plan to go west most likely and wait. Pray for the Ukrainians that will stay behind. Pray for patience and for opportunities to witness for Christ. God is able. Stay tuned.


Pastor Mark