Could Christ really have risen from the dead? Is the resurrection really true or is it just a religious tradition that developed over the centuries? Everyone in today's world knows that when someone is dead they don't come back to they? 

All kinds of theories have been advanced to explain the miracle of Easter away. Some say Christ's body didn't really die but swooned in the coolness of the tomb and later he came to and left. Others suggest there was body snatching going on and so on. Even in the Biblical account they had a hard time believing He had come to life even though He said he would. 

But once the disciples saw Christ really had been dead and really was raised and that numerous miracles surrounded His resurrection...then they finally believed. Before the resurrection the disciples were fearful, unbelieving and discouraged. After it they were amazed, totally changed and willing to proclaim His Great Commission in the face of persecution and death. They were unstoppable as they proclaimed the message to all points of the compass.

The empty tomb by Ezra Suko. It is my favorite painting of this place that I have been to two times.

The empty tomb by Ezra Suko. It is my favorite painting of this place that I have been to two times.

The bodily resurrection of Christ is the greatest miracle of all. All His other miracles led up to it.  It confirmed all that Christ said. It authenticated who He was...God in the flesh. It made our salvation and forgiveness of sin possible. It is our hope and joy and we look forward to His second coming. Join us this weekend as we and millions of other Christians around the world celebrate this amazing truth spoken of in God's Word. "He is risen!"  


  • 7:00 p.m. 3/30  Good Friday Communion Service w/Pastor Chris speaking. 
  • 9:30 a.m. 4/1  Sea of Galilee Fellowship Easter Breakfast. Bring a breakfast snack to share.  
  • 10:30 a.m. 4/1  Easter Worship w/pastor Mark speaking from Mark 16:1-8.