Billy Graham was America’s most well-known evangelist in the past century. He preached to over 200 million people in person and many more via media. His simple message of the gospel touched many lives including mine.

His final sermon was given from his home on his 95th birthday in 2013. He proclaimed that message one last time telling of man’s sickness of sin and that the cross of Christ was the only answer. Billy simply told of how Christ died for our sins and that forgiveness only comes when we humbly seek Him in prayer for that forgiveness. Christ, as the perfect payment for our sin, forgives us and rescues us from eternal hell to a life of freedom and rejoicing as we praise the Lord in Heaven for His great gift.  Have you turned to Christ to be forgiven forever? You can watch Graham’s last sermon on link below.


Graham was laid to rest in a simple pine coffin made by inmates at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, the “Alcatraz of the South.”  It was a fitting symbol of his humility.


The 99-year-old evangelist laid in repose in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, an honor accorded to only 32 other people. The President and many government officials paid tribute. He will be buried in Charlotte, NC. near the barn-like library building that has cross window on one end like our church auditorium.

Ironically our own Jerry Gary, a preacher of the Gospel, will be laid to rest this weekend at the National Cemetery in Covington at 1:30 Thursday. The memorial service will be Saturday March 3 at 10:00 AM at our church…the one with the “cross window.” All are welcome. Remember America and the Graham and Gary family in prayer this weekend.

Pastor Mark